Chapter One

"Joyce Gardner !",The very powerful Jane Carter yelled.

Joyce looked up from what she was doing.

"Yes madamn ?",Joyce asked softly.

Next to her stood a young man,since Joyce was new in the Carter estate she didn't know who he was she only knew the masters Mr.Robert Carter and Mrs.Jane Carter.

"Go do my son's bedroom NOW !",Jane shouted.

Joyce quickly grabbed the bucket full of dirty water and the old rag and scurried into the kitchen.

"Mother I could have done it",Nickolas said,feeling sorry for the new girl.

"No she does the work, us Carter's don't even raise a finger to clean the dust they do",Jane said.

| Kitchen |

"I am exhausted",Trudy said plopping down on the worn out chair.

Trudy was the Carters cook she was married to Jorge the gardener.

"So am I,so am I,I just wish someone would just get me out of this rechid place",Joyce said putting away the bucket and rag.

"Thats all of our dreams Joyce",Regina said quietly.

Regina was one of the other house maids.Joyce grabbed the duster and walked upto where Jane and her son were talking.

"Madamn,where is your sons bedroom ?",Joyce asked.

"Nickolas,show her",Jane instructed.

Nickolas stood up from his place on the couch and went up the stairs (think CLUELESS ?),Joyce followed him.He pointed to a closed door,Joyce removed a whisp of her blond hair and tucked it behind her ear.

"Thank you sir",Joyce bowed.

"No don't do that",Nickolas said.

Joyce looked up at him with a questionable look in her brown eyes.

"I just don't like it when woman do that",Nickolas said smiling at her.

Joyce smiled back and turned the knob to his room.Nickolas walked back to his mother.Joyce changed the old dusty sheets into new clean white sheets,she ever so dreamed of sleeping in a room like this with a view to the country side.But that would never happen.She dusted off the night stands and lamps.After she was done she grabbed the big bundle of dirty sheets and closed the door gently and walked down the stairs.

"Hi Joyce",Aaron Charles greeted her.

"Hi sir",Joyce said.

Aaron let her go into the laundry room where Regina stood patiently waiting till the next bundle of clothing to dry.Regina and Joyce where very close at age,and they where good friends.

"So did you see Sir.Nickolas ?",Regina asked softly,so no one would hear them.

Joyce nodded and dropped the bundle on the floor.

"Isn't he the best looking man you have ever seen ?",Regina asked.

"He's alright Regina",Joyce said.

"He is so much more than ALRIGHT admit it you know you want to say 'YES REGINA HE'S THE BEST LOOKING MAN I HAVE EVER SEEN",Regina taunted.

Joyce laughed and said "Oh alright Regina he's handsome."

"Thank you,thats all I wanted you to say",Regina said.

"Joyce,Regina quit the bickering and start working",Sir Robert shouted.

After Sir.Robert disappeared out of their clear view they groaned.

"Why is he so rude to us peasants ?",Regina asked.

"Because we are nothing more than peasants and since we aren't in their range of highclass they treat us like dirt under their fancy shoes",Joyce said bitterly.

Chapter Two