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Summer Romantic Ideas !!

Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors and
the romance it brings. Many of my fondest romantic
memories are those of "summer romances". Sunset
strolls along the beach, private camping retreats
for two, finger food barbeque...

Below is a list of a few ideas from myself and
ideas given by users! Make the most
of your summer and do at least one idea each week!

  1. Rent a convertible and take a long scenic
    drive with the top down!

  2. Go skinny-dipping!

  3. Go to a local ice cream shop and share a
    sundae together.

  4. Cozy up in an air-conditioned movie theater
    and watch the latest romantic movies together!

  5. Have a romantic picnic on the beach or by a lake.

  6. Have a squirt gun fight. Whoever wins gets a
    romantic treat of their choice!

  7. Stay at a five-star hotel and spend the day in
    pool-side luxury.

  8. Go water-skiing or try jet-skiing!

  9. Cool off by making the day margarita day!
    Blend your favorite mixes and enjoy!

  10. Go window shopping in an air conditioned mall.
    Don't forget to make notes for upcoming birthday's
    or other romantic celebrations!

  11. Spend a lazy day at the park with your honey.

  12. Picnic next to a lake or even take out a row
    boat and relax.

  13. Lay on your rooftop at night and find the the
    stars/constellations together while you're cuddling
    in each other's arms.

  14. Spend a lazy day lounging on the beaches and
    have a wonderful moonlit picnic that night. Just
    think, the crashing waves in your ear, stars in
    the eyes of your loved one, warm sand on your
    skin... and of course great food!

  15. My idea for a perfect summer day would be
    sitting in the park under a shady tree with that
    special someone reading poetry to each other.

  16. Make sure it is a very starry night and take
    your boyfriend to a beach or lake where there is
    sand or a pier. If you can use music do it! If not
    just enjoy the silence and dance and hold each
    other. It is very romantic!!!

  17. One time my boyfriend and I hadn't seen each
    other's for a long time. When he got back from
    school, it seemed like something was missing.
    That night, we decided to go and take a walk on
    the beach. It ended up relighting the flame. He
    took a stick and drew in the sand a big heart,
    and he wrote inside- SARAH + BRYNE FOREVER. It
    was so romantic it made me cry.
    Submitted by Sarah

  18. We didn't have a lot of money, so we bought
    pizza the one night. Had a bottle of red wine
    and a blanket. We had a picnic in the backyard
    with soft music playing. It was GREAT. We looked
    at the stars and in each other's eyes and we
    both knew that we were in LOVE. That was the
    single most wonderful experience I have ever had!
    It was sincere and straight from the heart!

  19. For those of you who live in or near a big city
    with some tall buildings... this will work well...
    it was the best valentine's day I have ever had...
    I packed a duffel bag with a red tablecloth, two
    red candles and candlesticks, a bottle of
    champagne, and a radio with romantic music on
    tape.. I took her to the top of the tallest
    building in town, 72 stories up... to the
    observation deck... while she was looking at the
    city and the stars, I set up the tablecloth and
    everything and started the music... then I told
    her that when I am with her I feel like I am on
    top of the world and this is the closest I could
    get... then I asked her to dance... it was the
    best day ever! Works well with any day : )
    Submitted by Mike .. Thanks Mike : )

    Get 2 containers of ice cream, put them in a
    cooler and pack it with plenty of ice. Get some
    cones and a scooper. Put the cones in a
    waterproof container. Take her to a beach or a
    park and surprise her with ice cream cones
    together. This also works well with smaller
    coolers with vodka and O.J. for after a nice
    evening together. Great nitecap!
    Submitted by Robert Smith

  20. I know most of you guys do not think about
    getting out of the car, during a drive-inn º¿º
    But the most romantic picnic I ever had, was at
    the drive-inn, when my boyfriend surprised me
    with a picnic. We sat outside, under the stars,
    on a rug next to the car. With candles to add
    that special touch, and watched the movie in
    each others arms... it sure was a moment to

  21. Pretend that you are tourists for the day.
    Dress in tropical attire (or something obviously
    touristy) Purchase a tour book of your city and
    set out to see the sites. Don't forget to take
    along the camera for some goofy, but unforgettable
    pictures. You may want to visit museums, the zoo,
    historical cites, known tourist traps, etc. This
    is so much fun, because you may have never gotten
    around to see the things that you take for granted
    in your city, state, or town.

  22. Here is a really great romantic idea for all
    of you! Take your better half, go buy a tent and
    go camping in the woods! There would be privacy
    and it would be a great way to spend some quality
    time with the one you love! Be sure to get a
    double sleeping bag to keep nice and cozy!

  23. Plan an overnight hiking trip but surprise him.
    So you can watch the sunset and sunrise together.

  24. Try going to a place where you could see the
    city lights, while playing soft instrumental music,
    then having her very close in your arms and just
    hug and nibble on her earlobe and whisper to her
    that she really means a lot to you and that it
    wouldn't be heaven on earth without her.
    Submitted by Anonymous

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