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Sorry For Lack of updates .... RAW RESULTS! 11 New Pictures!

~HoMe ~E-MaiL Me~ LiTa ~ TOPS ~
~ JeFF ~ MaTT ~ tV ReSulTs~ ZooM ~
~TiTle HiStoRy ~ BaNNeRs~ PiCtuRes~ LinKs~
~ MoVieS ~ SoUndS ~ AniMaTioNs ~ Polls ~
~ WeBriNgs ~ MeSSaGe BoArD ~ WebMasTer ~ AwaRdS~

WWWWOOOOOO! I have been extrememly busy lately and I can't stand it for goodness sakes. Homework in all subject tests here and there and lots of other stuff too! But I am here with a Raw update for you and 11 new pictures. Also if the Hardyz are on Smackdown! there probably wont be any updates until monday because I am going to North Carolina on Friday with my dad. Kind of a mini vacation. Sorry about that I will see you all in a week. VOTE ON THE POLLS!!!!!!!!!!! ~LaTeR~

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Hardy Boyz Web Poll
How long will the Hardyz hold the Tag Titles?


Hardy Boyz Web Poll
Who was the Hardyz best Valet?


This site is not affiliated with The Hardy Boyz ,
WWF , or Titan Sports. All multimedia on this site is
copywrite of the Swanton Stop. Do not link
anything unless you have my permission. ~This site was
made Sunday April 9th 2000~