So, I just thought I'd include a little explanation for this one, since it is a little odd, and also because it's not a poem. Really. It's a song. There's (of course) a lead singer, backup chords for acoustic guitar (I have the progression written down somewhere...), a little electric guitar solo and an optional bass line. It's sort of an upbeat rock tune. I made it up in my head one time when I was on vacation and got sick, so I was stuck alone in a hotel room all day.
The lyrics are all clips bits of dreams, hallucinations, and real-life experiences that I have experienced. I sort of pieced them together to create a cohesive story that's part-symbolism, part-literal. Except for that one verse about "we." That one doesn't have anything to do with anything; I just added it for the hell of it. The "you" refers to... various people in my life... The "I" refers to me (duh).
The basic story is one about someone who has almost completely broken down. They are undergoing serious depression and lack of faith in... well, just about everything. This person wants to see through the lies created by religion, by society, and by themself. The ending is supposed to be happy, but I guess it could be considered sad because the person commits suicide. Huh.

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