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Troop 665

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Welcome to the Web Site of

Boy Scouts of America Troop 665  

of the Greater Niagara Frontier Council

Onondaga District

chartered by St. Augustines R.C. Church

My name is John Reinard and I'm the Webmaster of Troop 665. We are from Depew, NY. located just east of Buffalo.  


Troop 665

A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent


Troop 665
is a member of
the Scoutnet Webring .

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This page was last updated on April 06, 2000


<BGSOUND SRC="takeonme.mid" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="1">


A Warrior's Journey

A Hunter's Tale

Peace At Last

The Shaking Teepee

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