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CD Rippers

CD Rippers digitally record music from audio CD's into WAV files (*.wav) that can be read by computers. Assuming that no errors occur during the Digital Audio Extraction (DAE), you have a wav that is nearly identical to the music track of the CD. All you'll need is an audio CD, a CD drive capable of DAE (most are), and one of the programs below.

Exact Audio Copy - cardware

Arguably the best CD ripper available for the Windows platform. It's not always as fast as other rippers, but it's the most exact. It reads every sector of an audio CD at least twice and compares the results. If they differ, the sectors are read over and over, reducing the number of errors on even badly scratched CD's. If an error does occer, it displays the position of the error so you can easily remove the "pop" with a sound editor (like Cool Edit) Visit for more info.


EAC Setup

Download it from their site. Then unzip (using WinZip) the program into a folder and run the program. Refer to the FAQ for more information on how to configure EAC.

CDex - open source freeware

This is another excellent ripper (though not as good as EAC). It can also serve as a frontend for the LAME encoder. I hear good things about this all the time. And now that it's gone the way of open source development, It's going to get even better. You can find it at


Audiograbber - shareware

A decent CD ripper. It is a bit faster than EAC and has a nicer look. It will rip most CD's perfectly. The free version only allows half the tracks to be selected at a time. Check out their site ( for more information.


After you have created a WAV file, you have to compress it into an MP3 file. These programs are found on the encoders page.

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