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Lisa's Site

What's up? My name is Lisa and this is my homepage. So far it has Links, Song Lyrics, Search Engines, and Downloads. Also there's a guestbook, chatroom, message board, survey, and a daily horoscope. Oh, and before I forget, there are some poems too. This page was created on 2-20-00. I'll try to update it as much as possible. Have fun on it.

LINKS -A bunch of links to stuff I like and you probably will too.

SONG LYRICS -Over 60 song lyrics including popular artist such as Kid Rock, Limp Bizkit, and Eminem. This is the most popular and most updated section of my site.

SEARCH ENGINES -39 search engines and a site with 37 search engines.

DOWNLOADS -A bunch of funny downloads that all take under a minute to download using a 28.8 modem.

POEMS -A page with some poems that I wrote. Most of them are funny and some aren't. The funny ones used to get lotsa laughs at school. Don't read this if you're evil.

EBAS -This part of my site is about a little creature I made up called an eba. I made statues from playdough of them and I keep them in my room... not that it really matters.

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