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A card to -BlueClear- from Dave's Mom

Dear Sheila,

I'm sorry I have taken,
so long to write,
to thank you for the poems,
you wrote for David.
What a wonderful expression,
of love and friendship.

Had I known about the poetry,
I would have had it read,
at his memorial service.

I know that David treasured,
your friendship over the years.
Your picture was on the wall,
where he could easily see it.

He was a wonderful son,
always considerate and loving.
We miss him so much.

My consolation is that,
God brought him home,
where he is no longer in pain.
He hurt everyday and some days a lot.
He is no longer under stress,
because we have had,
a terrible time getting help,
and because his Dad and I are unable,
to take care of him as he needed.
We don't have to worry about,
whom would be here for him,
when we are gone.
That was a 'big' concern.

Thanks again,
With love, Harriett

p.s. I feel that you know who I am.

Songs for your enjoyment

~~Angels Among Us~~


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November 17th, 2000