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Vintage Sideband Net Log

Hello again fellow vintage sidebanders. The vintage nets are thriving and it is hard to get everyone squeezed into a hour and one half. Check in early and make sure you get in, and share your latest repair boondogle. Maybe you can save the rest of us that particular boondogle.

Here's who came by today:

Greg, from Atlanta, checked in with his C-Line and lazy H antenna. Greg has the knack of making wire antennas really perform. He recently acquired an SX-110 and was really surprised at what a performer it was. Good to hear you Greg.

Don, from Cal. and also Heathkit net control, checked in portable from Kingman Az. Really had a potent signal off your vertical. Net should go well for you today.

Bill checked in on a really great sounding Galaxy V that K4BOV had overhauled for him. Stu always does a great job and is a fountain of technical expertise. Big signal Bill.

Lynn, from near Austin TX., Checked in with his usual big signal. He was using a KWM-2 and his newly completed 30S-1 which makes his signal even bigger. Lynn is also southern net control.

Jim, from Colo., checked in with his new FT-1000. It's certainly not vintage but had a nice signal from such a close station.

Bob, from Miles City Mont., played his HTR 37 and NC 300 today. Same station I was using. He just acquired the 300 at the Great Loveland swap meet. He said it was the most plug and play radio he had ever bought. Fine signal too Bob.

Stu, or Mr. Swan, from Corning New York, Was using his trusty Swan 350 that sounds great and puts out a walloping 800 watts. Stu is responsible for this web site. HE contributes a lot to the ham community.

John, from Chapparel Tx., checked in using a Astro 102BX. John has been unable to check in for a long time because of work but that problem has now been resolved. Good to hear you again John.

Al, from NC., checked in with a HT 32 and a R4 receiver. Al has a new HT 37 and brings back a lot of radios from the dead and gets them out into service. Great work Al.

Sandy checks in mobile from time to time. I need to find that Cheyenne power supply for him that is hiding in the chicken house. Patience.


Roger checked in on a SR 150. Nice sounding radio and keep coming back.

Mike checked in using an Eldico S-Line. What a rare radio, how did you ever run across that setup. Mike was using a 120 FT delta loop. Those loops seem to do a really good job and are so easy to tune.

Benton, from Chicago way, checked in today using one of his multiple stations. Benton is very close to me and is sometimes hard to hear but when conditions are good his radios really sound nice. Thanks Benton.

Leo checked in with Lynn using his SB 104 that had taken a major lightning hit. Good job of bringing that one back, sounded good.

Norm, from Salt Lake, graced us with his fine old Swan today. Norm calls the Swan net on Sunday afternoons and we always appreciate it when he stops by here too. CU Norm.

Chet from Texas way, checked in on this 830 and SB 200. Chet is still working on his SB 102 as well as his Hudson. Good luck Chet.

Don, from Harlingen Tex., was also running the Eldico Twins, the Collins Clones. Your signal has been running very good lately. Good luck Don.

Mack, from El Paso, stopped in using his Heathkit Twins. Mack is also alternate net control for the Heathkit net and always has a few pearls of wisdom. So Long Mack.

Frank, from Fort Lauderdale, checked in with his Drake twins. He also has the L4B and a new beam antenna so he is ready to hold his own with the big rigs.

That pretty much sums things up for the net this week except for that one checkin that I couldn't read. Sorry about that. Send me an e-mail and straighten me out if I missed you.

Things around here are about as normal as they ever get and my daughter mentioned a couple of weeks ago that she was moving again. Whenever that subject comes up I always get a knot in my stomach and it seems like it is always coming up. Must be part Gypsy. A few days later she called ,soliciting some cheap labor, but did mention that all the big stuff was already moved and there was only some little things left. I would later find out that there was more than six carloads of these little things, including her Christmas tree which was still decorated, to be moved across Omaha and up three flights of stairs and into her new apartment.

I survived the first two loads pretty well but by the end of the second two loads I was starting to fail a little on the second flight of stairs. Also, the dumpster, which was by the back door near the stairs was looking better all the time. All this stuff would end up there sooner or later anyway so why not a little sooner. I realized that any box that I threw away would surely contain something that she had mooched from me and that would certainly ruin any chance of getting it back so I resisted.

Finally we got down to the third and last load which consisted of one decorated artificial Christmas tree, one wicker living room set, one huge potted plant straight from the Rocky Horror Picture Show and an endless, overwhelming pile of stuff that you always move last because you have no idea of what to do with it.

Somehow I got stuck with undecorating the Christmas tree, which is something I refuse to do at home, and no amount of whining got me out of this job.

I found out that the kid is a real enthusiast at decorating because there were enough lights on the tree to light Yankee Stadium and after about a hundred trips around the tree I started feeling nauseous and considered throwing up in the potted plant but that would only make it heavier so I just sat down and complained for a while which made me feel a whole lot better.

The last thing was the wicker furniture which she decided she didn't want any more so I generously offered to take it off her hands, I just didn't know quite how. I was driving a Chrysler LeBaron. However, after all these years of hauling home awesomely humonguous boat anchors, how could one puny set of wicker living room furniture be a problem.

Fifty feet of clothes line rope later the whole thing was tied to the top and back of the car. The only thing missing from this scene was Jed Clampett riding shotgun. I must admit that it was mildly mortifying leaving Omaha on Dodge street and hearing the various honks, jeers and catcalls from the other travelers but alas, I said to myself, tis only envy.

To those of you who have never headed west on highway 92 from Omaha late at night let me warn you, the next open gas station is in Seattle. I noticed that the wind load from the furniture was approximately equal to the Mayflower under full sail and I was burning gas in copious quantities so I had to resort to slowing down and turning the two hour trip into a three hour trip but we did make it.

Now the wicker furniture graces my basement the whole ordeal seems worth while. Now when my ham buddies come over we'll all have somewhere to sit.

See you all next week. Bests 73 de Andy WB0SNF

Net Activity Reports
Vintage Sideband Net