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fungus amongus

Six Reasons To Write Home
Ken - vocals
Rick - guitar
Steve "Rube" - drums
Austin - guitar
Ryan - bass


oh my it is huge... (1998)

What does it stand for? Is it 'stoned and drunk', 'suck a d*ck' or 'stupid ass d*ck'? Who knows, I don't think they even do. Does it really matter? This band of 5 orphans began back in the fall of 1994 when Ken and Rick decided to form a band that to this day, no one knows what it means. They released their first recording in 1996. It was a successful 9 song demo tape. Shortly after, their long time bassist Rob parted ways with the band because of musical differences. The band then picked up there third and current bassist Ryan. Then in the summer of 1998, (august to be exact) they released "Oh my god, it's so huge..." a 7" on CYG. Since then, they have released a split cd with Bugsy, 8 Days Without Cable, Box 8 and Mad Cow Disease 182.

All content ©1996-2007 CYG Records. Content may not be reproduced without our express permission.