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There is a real problem with people looking for these " spiritual answers " and all they want is to crawl back inside the womb. I say tough shit, I know my body is eternal , one day it will rot into earth . These religions keep telling people their personalities , their great big over inflated egos ,will be kept intact, while being indulged in extra doses of church , FUCK THAT!!! BE thou abolished , be thou abandoned , be thou abhorred. .Deal with facts . If you like astrology or numerology ,you are one lucky daemon.

Now if you think this is all pure old fashioned bullshit , listen up. Do you laugh at these religious fools because you think there is no IT, or because you can't comprehend anything worthy about IT. You lazy bastard! You superficial , instant gratification fucking cliche!! And you who pretends to know god before other men , you are just too dumb to realize that IT doesn't care about any god!!!In fact if IT never existed , then god would never have been dreamed up.

I also have "updated " some old poems from the tao te ching. Which also doles out ass whippin by the truckload., AND I have kundalini , for all you ritalin junkies , so you can learn how to FOCUS.


Taoism is like crack , except you get to keep your teeth.

  • The way you just went
  • aint the way.
  • The name you just called me
  • aint the name.
  • the sky and earth
  • still haven't gotten any
  • the mother of infinity
  • becomes just another whore
  • (just because of a name)
  • in birth ,we find innocense
  • in death , we find passion
  • two more names
  • for one that can't be said
  • begin with silence!
  • thoughts are screaming over the
  • gaping maw of the abyss!
  • Thirty dorks
  • meet in a bar
  • where the dorks aren't
  • is where its at.
  • Hollowed out
  • clay makes a pipe.
  • Where the pipe is not
  • is where it is smokin.
  • Four walls and a ceiling
  • make a shack.
  • Where the shack lack,
  • there is room to shoot smack.
  • And the need of what is
  • is in the use of what isn't.

  • Nevermind all the other nonsense and goofing around shit that i've used to make you feel comfy and relaxed. The tao is the inevitable way , you really can't even put a name on it to deface it. this however is more powerful , for the names below are solemn , sacred forces , really facets of the way that will give you if you can dignify them with respect by keeping their days , a sublime and unexplainable honor and mystery, a force that will be on your side , not subject to your ego and infact inversely proportionate to this. The power we seek after cannot be an object of personal egotistical exaltaion to the deepest abyssmal depths of the subconciousness, just a resonance with the way, a recognition from the eternal omniscient unnameable source.
  • IMIX________1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|
  • IK__________2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|
  • AKBAL_______3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|
  • KAN_________4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|
  • CHICCHAN____5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|
  • CIMI________6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|
  • MANIK_______7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|
  • LAMAT_______8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|
  • MULUC_______9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|
  • OC__________10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|
  • CHUEN_______11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|
  • EB__________12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|
  • BEN_________13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|
  • IX__________1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|
  • MEN_________2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|
  • CIB_________3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|
  • CABAN_______4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|
  • ETZ'NAB_____5_|_12|_6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|
  • CAUAC_______6_|_13|_7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_1_|_4_|_1_|_5_|_12|
  • AHAU________7_|_1_|_8_|_2_|_9_|_3_|_10|_4_|_11|_5_|_12|_6_|_13|
  • Here are a few correlations with 1999 according to the GMT interpretation of the Long count,(which is by no means the last word on the subject yet).
  • 10/10/00 =7 Chiccan
  • 10/31/00 =3 Cimi
  • 11/16/00 =6 Ik For any other dates , e-mail your request , MM/DD/YY to my adress.

The Mayan calendar survived genocide , cultural annihilation , by fascist catholics , who destroyed everything they didn't and couldn't understand. The mayan did perform human sacrafice , they would also practice sacraficial bleeding untill they achieved visions, and they mastered over 20 species of hallucinogenic plants native there. They believed the sun , and life depended on life being spent and offered for continuation. I think that we are convinced that death is evil , because life is good . Life makes death necessary , death is not bad unless everything dies.Then death has killed itself . Unfortunately that is exactly what our morally sterile science especially medicine is willing for us . This calendar is an order ,every day has a name and a number. it would take 52 years for the same day to re-occur.The color of east , the rising sun , is red.Its name was Cantzicnal, and it was calledChacal Bacab. North , the sun at noon , is white .The name of the north was Sac-cimi, also called Sacal Bacab. The west , was the past ,like memories that are forgotten, it is black.Hozan-ek was its name , it was also Ekel Bacab.The south was abundance rising out from the earth and it was yellow.Hobnil was the personal name , Kanal Bacab was its title.The center is green , like the leaves of the world tree that grew in the center. This was the Yaxkin of the Wakah Chan. Together they formed the symbolic cross of the ecliptic crossed by the Xibalba be , the night road , or the milky way. They used these symbols in representational altars . The ecliptic was also seen as the double headed serpent , or vision serpent , which swallows the dreamer and brings them before the ancestors, or gods who live in Xibalba.The milky way was the cosmic monster , the crocodile tree, the canoe that the jaguar paddler and the stingay paddler would bring the sun back to the dawn in, depending on which part was visible and which angle it held against the ecliptic.When the milky way rimmed the horizon , the Ek uay would open a portal between both worlds.

The directions are the base of understanding all further knowledge. Today , the mayas still center houses and fields in regard to the four directions and the center.The center is the fire , ringed by three stones this represents the constellation of Orion. The winds or the rains were and still are interpreted by the direction of its source . Keep in mind , we may know computers , we may know some subfield of academia , we may understand the nature of particle physics or quantum chromodynamics , yet the directions are real , and they are permanent despite the fact that the names we hold them to may disappear with our own extinction.

Handle the Tzolkin, or Utzilahquih lightly. Sure these ideas seem remote and superstitious in the light of science.However it just wouldn't be metaphysics if there wasn't some intangibility to it.The idea of sacred quarters becoming five including the center(quincunx) is a way of defining yourself by where you are not.This then focuses to it being defined by the thoughts of a mortal.This is a dialectic exchange if you know what that is. The entire concept of the Kukulcan , the feathered serpent is one that unites the heavens and the earth. It is also the nagual, united with the tonal.

The tonal is the physical world , the physical body.It travelled on the east-west axis during life , east being birth (sunrise, the start of the ecliptic), west being death(sunset or the end of the ecliptic) .The signs of the east(lakin) were Imix , which literally meant breast,and has also been symbolized as the crocodile that holds the world on its back.Chiccan was the snake symbol , of course also a very earthy creature and symbolic of time.Muluc was variously water or moon , symbolized by a circle , possibly jade.Ben was the day when the Kukulcan descended to earth in one creation account. It was symbolized by corn ,or reed, the former symbolizing the flesh that the creator used when making people . The latter was Aztec,or Toltec symbolizing the cities named Tulan or Tula, the mysterious home of the Kukulcan and city of the toltecs.Caban symbolized the earth as a young woman , red in general dealt with the future and children.

The nagual is a totem spirit much like the many other similar native american traditions. Under the ritual calendar , the day you were born became part of your name , in recognition of the totem connection to its overlord. The nagual is also associated with the left side , dreams , the subconcious motivation, and the astral body.It is the north , also white , the Xibalba be , or road of the dead , which was the same as the milky way.The North(xaman) also symbolized up, or the sky. It often represented duality , as in the association with the Kukulcan .Its days were ik,wind a deity associated with the Kukulcan,cimi, the day of death, the lords of Xibalba ,Oc,dog also symbolizing the portal or door , and the foot.Ix , a jaguar,also a feminine prefix, which was associated with the first people, who could see everything , hear everything , and were equal to the Gods(which was why the gods destroyed them), and etz'nab, which was the symbol of the sacraficial knife and the doublr edged sword that is truth.

The West(chikin) , home of the ancestors , the direction of the Ek Uay, the realm of the dream world, or the black transformer .The west was symbolic of the past and the night , and it was then that the kinich ahau , or the face of the sun became a jaguar that would run through the underworld , (or paddle a canoe across the night sky on the milky way), and reemerge from the eastern horizon. The evening and morning sky , with their red hues were considered the homes of the Uay , or nagual ,and kawil spirits , that also dwelled in clouds and smoke.The Days of the ek, were Akbal , the night. then Manik , the deer , which was a very holy symbol among some natives as an elder spirit, symbolizing the elusive nature of the spirtual powers people hunt for.manik was symbolized by a hand.Chuen , the monkey , was a patron of art , and mischef , as well as being the symbolic first day by some accounts.Men was the eagle,a sign of foresight . This sign could also represent the moon as an old woman .Cauac , the sign of the storm was also very powerful. The god huracan , a mayan storm god , became the source for our modern name of hurricane.

The south (nohol) was yellow and it represented life rising up from the earth , a tonal quality .It was symbolized by the Kan , the sacred four , the fourth sign, the same word as yellow , It also has been translated as Lizard due to the connection of the four-fold nature with Itzamna, the patron God of Shamans. Itzamna was associated with ITZ , the sap of life .Itzamna had many forms and many gods were considered different forms of him. The lizards were chosen because they symbolized the most ancient souls , and were respected as such. Then came lamat , variously star or rabbit , this sign was strongly associated with Venus, the one of the most important celestial body to the Mayans .Next was eb , the road , symbolized as the day after creation 2eb, when the gods descended to earth on a ladder. Cib , variously wax or vulture ,is similar to the aztec filth eater , a god that consumed peoples misdeeds , much as candles are supposed to function symbolically , and vultures function in reality. The wax also implied bees , the Muzencab, whose honey the natives depended on in times of poor crops and hunger.The last day was ahau, the sun , the day of the lords.It was symbolized by the plumeria flower.

The creator of the mayan orgin was the Hunab Ku, the one giver of movement and measure. numbers further symbolized the story of creation . Tzacol, was the first aspect , the source of space and time, also the beggining of order . Kukulcan or Gucumatz, was the second concept , the idea of the feathered serpent , or the split of duality. Third came Bitol, the fashioner of the world. Alom was the original mother , Cajalon ,the first father.Tepeu (6) was the governor . This would be akin to the idea of "god".The names for the rest of the creation , the higher numbers are unknown to me.Six , or wak, is also raise, , the wakah chan , is the raised up sky.Uuk is seven , uaxac, is eight and symbolized the four directions and the four intermediaries, 9 or bolon ,was also sacred , and the numbers 6-9 on the tzolkin are days of ritual , being neither too strong , nor too weak , as days 1-5 and 10-13 may be. remember that the purpose in shamanism is to uphold the balance , to manifest the mysterious cosmic itz, with offerings of physical itz,sweat, blood , wax drippings, rubber sap , copal(ceiba sap),rust, any of these life fluids or emanations. So candles are used along with resin incense today by modern day shamans. A cross symbolizing the world tree , (the milky way crossed by the path of the sun).Decorated with a necklace , or some other precious/symbolic object that represents its nature as a living object. There have been stories about a talking cross oracle, being involved in the caste war and the current zapatista conflict. Supposedly , it is pretty upset with the whole conquest thing , and I don't blame it for being mad. The cruzob maya take their name from their emphasis on the cross symbol(-ob is the maya plural form).Anyways , these crosses are usually on an altar , and oriented according to the sunrise and sunset( so the arms properly symbolize the eclipse).There are often offerings of itz bearing objects , food alcohol , anything that may be a significant symbol. Also used in rituals are idols , either of the saints or the old gods (who were secretly worshipped as a similar saint after the conquest).Then there are sastuns , the stones of light that should be asked for and looked for. Clear crystal(quartz) ,jade(a symbol of life and water) , flint(used for blades and adzes, was seen as lightning's itz) ,obsidian (used in removing negative energy) are some of the most common stones and glass used .You may see one of these rocks in a dream , or after some encounter that you may have to keep your eyes open for.For now see what you have around , and use that untill it gets lost or replaced.Stones of light , aid in scrying. The properties are unique to the user and the stone. small long stones can be sought after to be placed in between the fingers to aid in meditation and non verbal mental focus , which is vital to developing the ability to channel and uphold the power of itz. in fact , the sastun can also be used in this way . Conch shells served as inkpots for scribes , and the spiral depending on the way they were cut. often the spiral was used as a pendant.Water in bowls also helps to ward away negative influence that may linger in the corners of a square. I suggest if any of this interests you contact me , or look into it at the library, before getting too involved. i will give you any help i can or advice on objects or books etc. I don't know anybody who uses the wavespell or dreamspell sequence of the mayan calendar, but it seems plastic . There are simply too many far-out words and ideas , and it seems to whitewash lots of the meaning away .Its also out of sync with most other native daycounts(although they have been known to vary). Also if there are any nagualists , /toltecs who have read some castenada etc ,learn the calendar , the ancient ones were named after the day they were born , that was their nagual ,their personal aspect of the higher mystery . I will look up any birthday requests , just e-mail me , or log on to a site with a calendar calculator.Remember the popul vuh states that people were created to worship the gods and keep their days.

KUNDALINIis an ancient path of yoga , and meditation. Kundalini force is the life force , a sexual based energy. Kundalini has been linked to mayan belief by Mayan daykeeper and all around kook Hunbatz'men both in an excellent picture book called mayan vision quest , and in his secrets of mayan science and religion.The symbol of the Kundalini is the lotus blossom. It is described as a snake sleeping , and wound 3 and 1/2 times around the tailbone. By becoming aware of it , and developing breathing techniques for unblocking the energy flow in your Chakras, you may awaken this metaphysical symbol of spiritual potency. One thing that i must emphasize is that practicing any of these techniques is at your own risk. Improper use of these forces , I.e. manipulating power for your own superficial desire may destroy you(FOOL) .There is nobody to fool with these practices but yourself(FOOL).

There are seven chakras according to the kundalini that I have studied .A chakra is an quilting bee that holds powers associated with those things you might have problems with inside . Like how about that bizarre mongoloid fetish.Explain that one to the wife!Each chakra has a color and a spot on your body. First breathe , pay attention to your breath , listen to it instead of jabbering in your head. The first chakra is the root chakra Try thinking about it without describing it to yourself , or describing what you are doing , or how you are doing , or what your friends are doing , or how thew dog feels about the cat , etc.(not as easy as it sounds is it?). It controls physical needs , materially , and health-wise. It is the base of your physical pyramid. Its color is red, and it is located in your tailbone , or between your anus and genitals , the middle of your crotch. The second chakra is the sexual chakra located in the genitals or a couple inches higher on your spine. It is orange , and it deals with the kundalini force entirely. Kundalini is primarily a sexual energy , and it must be carefully paid attention to in such a way so it does not get carelessly cast away. It is a good idea to temporarily stop having or wanting sex for a short while when learning these techniques so you can start them with an extra boost that will help to wake you out of sleepwalking. The third chakra is the will. It is also known as guts , or fortitude, or self control. In the controversial works of carlos castenada, there was a toltec concept he often referred to as the assemblage point. It was the center of the etherial body, and it could shift and pick up different threads of reality that often were unreachable , or uncontrolable in people unaware of the possibility. in dreams , it would become free , as dreams are done in the nagual realm. The freedom allowed the body to repair the damage of the previous day and somewhat reset a person into their habits. Speaking of nagualism , in all that I can find written in " establishment anthropolgy" it was lycanthropy ( "shape shifting", think werewolf) , a theme running through castenada's works. This was caused by the assemblage point sinking into lower quadrants , where the will could assemble that reality ( of an animal) if it had enough juice . The will is yellow , like sunshine and it is the peak of the physical pyramid of the 3 bodily chakras. it is located on the spine a few more inches higher than the sexual chakra , roughly parallel with the center between the sternum and the navel. Will is a momentum, that results from self confidence in the lower two chakras. The fourth chakra is the heart , its color is green and its virtue is love. This chakra is the axis of the other chakras, like the sun to the planets. The beating of the heart is the meeting of the body and spirit. You must remember that the other chakras are conditioned by this one , not vice-versa . The next chakra is the breath , it is in the throat , it is associated with speaking , breathing, singing , etc. Its color is sky blue . It is related to the diametric opposite chakra , the will in that it often is the main course of exhibiting will , and it is vital in self determination . Much like the sexual chakra , it is a good idea to limit talking at first.This is always true when it concerns babbling , unimportant detail , obsessing over a fetish , criticizing ,etc.To save your breath is a rewarding endeavor. It will also boost your power to avoid discussing these ideas while you are getting familiar with them, and please don't preach them , ever.The sixth chakra is often totally left out in society today because we are culturally obsessed with will, which is the American pseudo-axis. This pairs love and sex , and talk with survival.The sixth and seventh chakras are ignored , and this is how our nagual half has become so diseased. The sixth chakra is the third eye, between your eyebrows. The color is indigo, it is the sixth sense , and it must be acknowledged and purified through breathing exercises if you are attempting to revive it.The seventh chakra is the crown chakra, and it is the color violet , located on the crown of your head. It is your link with the spirit , which if asked will help you to find the answers you may not be able to see.It helps to seek the direction of the essence , to seek alignment with the stars.

Breathing is the way to open up the blocks in your chakras. It begins with you , in a private , peaceful place, forcing yourself to stop thinking by focusing on the gentle noise of your breath going in and out.Be sure to keep your spine ramrod straight, and to stop any intruding thoughts as quickly as possible. Then focus on your heart beat. notice both breath and heartbeat together.Then begin to focus upon your chakras. silently , without any words , even thinking , let go of any pleasure or pain you may hold with each chakra.Take long breaths, drawing them down to the root not puffing out.Think about each color going from a dusty color to the most radiant hue of each one. Give ten to twenty breaths , or as many as it takes , then go up the chakras , and down.

Another technique in doing this is to draw in the lost feelings , the emotion , even the innocence , the security that you may have lost from traumatizing events , debilitating habits , or subtle undermining of your will , by visualizing those lost feelings being drawn back into you from those events with an inhale, and the hurt that has replaced it in you being ejected as the recalled emotion settles on the exhale. Visualizing old symbols in general , will open you up to their true meaning , but beware.

I have encountered tao and yoga in connection with some of crowley's ritual mageick. He also studied the kabballa , buddhism , tantra ,and freemasonry. The mayan system was as advanced as any western system of esoterica. People in the modern world often denounce primitive beliefs in nature and lycanthropy as superstitious , moronic etc. However , these beleifs far outlasted any of the new comers so far , as all of these new beleifs are like makeup for a soul that has been shackled with the modern world , as life becomes cheap and plentiful . The old religions were self sustaining , and no more absurd than believing in virgin birth , ressurection , or visions of god. In fact people that participated regularly induced "miracles " and had visions of gods. It seems these religions of today are contrived , sterile , and false . With a good dose of soul preservation that can't be proved and doesn't make sense , juxtaposed to some linear scale of good and evil with all the important variables transfixed on believing in some distant irrelevant mystery . Ironically , the mystery used to be personal , life was what religion sought to embody.I have found endless stimulation in unlocking the secrets of esoterica , all of which are embodied within my existant being, and self evident in the world i live in .The mayan people hide their history in a christian cloak , but there has been no other system I have encountered in my study of the subject as a student of anthropology , that represents the pinnacle of nature religion and mageick as the Maya.

Synthesis between these three elements of eastern and native american personal power techniques is a key into understanding the knowledge that the west has oppressed and mostly destroyed. To recognize the innate beauty of any of these systems is to begin repairing the damage by becoming another mind to hold up their sky . these ideas if understood and practiced could replace the suicide pace our society demands , in hope of reshaping our culture into a sustainable one .They don't demand everybody adhere to their version of truth .As lao zi said what the hell is truth anyways , it cant be spoken. Hindus also came up with a similar idea, : all thoughts are false , they are part of the Maya , or illusion that the Gods force on us. These beliefs are not fear driven because they don't condemn you to hell for misdeeds , only to ignorance. These ideas are not about a symbolic ritual once a week , they are a path to unfolding the sacredness out of ordinary life , taking ordinary things which may seem ordinary by our familiarity and restoring them to sacredness , and restoring yourself as well in the process.

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