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Hints and Ideas
WONDERFUL ideas and hints from our members. ;-) Thanks a bunch guys. ;-)

Tab's Ugly Soap
Or what NOT to do with a rebatch; LOL ROFL

Penny's tip for fo seizing your CP soap

Bitter Creek FO Tests

Bitter Creek's cool Blending page

Sherry's mold directions (in pictures)
AND Sherry's Drill soap stirrer

Sherry's rebatch hint:
Try this to rebatch your soap, sprinkle (yes sprinkle) it with about 2 tbsp WHOLE milk, goat milk, half and half or cream, in an enamel or glass pan. Let it set covered (like with foil) over night. In the morning, or when ever the next day, put it in a 170 degree oven, check it every 20 min. when it starts to melt give it a bit of a stir. Then continue checking it every 20 min. After about 40 min it should have started to melt, if not, sprinkle it with a couple more tbsp of milk. It should get to the consistency of thick honey, youknow, like when honey is cold? At this point put it in your molds, reinsulate it. Viola! If you didn't superfat at trace, or superfat at all, you can do this before youput theh soap in the mold. Just like when you make soap and add at trace, just warm everything you are going to put in. Do not use water. Trust me! Sherry

Pats Plexiglass Mold directions
Pat tells us how to make our own.

From ~Carla~

4 oz = 8 Tbsp = 24 tsp = 1/2 cup
3 oz = 6 Tbsp = 18 tsp = 3/8 cup
2 oz = 4 Tbsp = 12 tsp = 1/4 cup
1 oz = 2 Tbsp = 6 tsp = 1/8 cup
0.5 oz = 1 Tbsp = 3 tsp

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