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E-MAIL: Talkz2Fazt
ALLEGIANCE: (year you became a Rams fan) My dad says my first word was football. I have memories of watching at around age 6, so since 1974. We lived in Calif, and I liked watching the Rams, and it just stuck!! Since then I have lived in 6 different states, and have ALWAYS pledged my faith to the Rams.
FAVORITE PLAYER(s): Eric Dickerson, Jim Everett, and now Kurt Warner
FAVORITE RAM MEMORY: This year. The feeling of pride to hear people say, "Hey your team looks great this season!"
WORST RAM MEMORY: Georgia Frontiere.....need I say more?

ALLEGIANCE: (year you became a Rams fan) Been a RAM fan since about 1967? Started liking them because of their uniforms. Guess that's why I've always been partial to the good OLE Blue & White!
FAVORITE PLAYER(s): Many to speak of. Depending on the era. Jack Snow, Roman Gabriel, Mike Wilcher, Kevin Greene (all time fav), Ike, Toby Wright, Les Josephson...I guess that's good for a start!
FAVORITE RAM MEMORY: The super bowl, every time we beat the Cowboys, and 3 safeties in one game against the Giants!
WORSE RAM MEMORY: The whooping we got against Washington 58-7 or something like that? In the playoffs back in the 80's.

NAME:Robert aka COLS>ROB
E-MAIL: lafan3
ALLEGIANCE: (year you became a Rams fan) Mid 70's...watching the Rams & Vikings in the playoffs
FAVORITE PLAYER(s): Jack other choice
FAVORITE RAM MEMORY: This year with out a doubt
WORST RAM MEMORY: The Super Bowl loss.

E-MAIL: Mikefwmi
ALLEGIANCE: (year you became a Rams fan) I know it dates me, but I became a Ram fan in the early 60's
FAVORITE PLAYER(s): Dickerson, Ferragamo, Bass, Jack Youngblood, Reynolds, Olson, Deacon Jones, Ellerd ... and the entire 1999-2000 roster
FAVORITE RAM MEMORY: When I moved to San Francisco (from LA) in 1976, getting to the Candlestick Park box office at kickoff time on Sundays and buying 50-yard line seats for 1/2 price or less -- even for Ram games. In those days, we consistently kicked Whiner ass, game in and game out. Just like we're doing now with Warner at the helm.

NAME:Steve Wilkerson
E-MAIL: Steve
ALLEGIANCE: (year you became a Rams fan) Rams fan since 1965. Growing up in Annapolis, MD. was tough. If you weren't a Colts or Skins fan, you were an outcast. That was me, & hooked on the horns ever since!
FAVORITE PLAYER(s): Rosie, Deacon, Merlin, Youngbloods, Roman, Fred, Jackie, Vince, Jim, Billy, Flipper, Henry, Eric, and now: Kurt, Marshall, Isaac, Kevin, & all the gang that are making it happen. Special thanks to Mr. Cromwell, for making things interesting! Left so many out, past & present, but I luv em all!
FAVORITE RAM MEMORY: Vince beating the Cowboys in the play-offs!
WORST RAM MEMORY: Losing to the Steelers in the Superbowl. (statistically we dogged them)


ALLEGIANCE: (year you became a Rams fan) Grew up watching the Rams....Loved them for as long as I can remember. So probably around 1975.
FAVORITE PLAYER(s): Jim Everett, Henry Ellard (what a combo), Vince of course and Eric Dickerson.
FAVORITE RAM MEMORY: Besides Jim Everett trying to kill Jim Rome on UP-CLOSE on ESPN it would have to be the Rams last Monday night game (even though the 49ers pounded us). It was heaven being there in person to see my favorite team on Monday night.
WORSE RAM MEMORY: When they moved to St. Louis, but I have gotten over it.


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