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Slayer Pride Webring

The Slayer Pride Webring is designed for Buffy sites centering on an unconventional relationship dealing with the theories represented by the Slayer Pride Club. Think your site falls under that category? Join the ring, the rules are simple. It's open to anyone who has a Buffy site that has one of the following.

- A site based on a relationship involving Buffy and another female character.

- A site based on a relationship involving Faith and another character, it is SLAYER pride after all

- An alternative episode guide, dealing with a slayer/female relationship

- Fan fiction dealing with Buffy or Faith and another female character

- A Slayer Pride Club member site

Basically, if you've got something that implies that Buffy and/or Faith are definitely not straight, you're site applies. If you're not sure, apply anyway, it can't hurt. I'm thinking of possibly opening it up to Angel/Xander sites, becasue that particular relationship scenario amuses me to no end, but for now, it's just open to the female aspect of it.

With that said, you can add your site to the queue

Once you've done that, you should get an e-mail with the proper HTML code. The code has to be placed on the page before I can add it to the ring.

The HTML code should make it look like this....

This Slayer Pride Webring site owned by Sasha.
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If you have any problems with the HTML, let me know

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