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Slayer Pride Webstress
Sasha Chase

Webstress for Slayer Pride.

Author of Just Good Friends, a post Enemies fic dealing with Buffy and Faith's relationship, Windmills and Castles and Slayers, Oh My!, a harmless Buffy and Faith fluff, and A Whole New Scene, a post 'Who Are You' fic where Faith goes to LA and Buffy goes to bring her back.

Birthday- June 3. Geminis are always trouble :)

Occupation (If you could really call it that :)- Actress, Writer, Professional Daydreamer.

Born and raised, New York City, though I adore LA. It's the palm trees. Fun, sun, palm trees and Chick fil-A. :)

Contrary to what my webpage may indicate, I am not a lesbian, but, I will admit that there are a select few women in this world who would make me re-think that standpoint. :) *cough* Angelina Jolie

People tell me I smile too much, like that's a bad thing. I love to smile, laugh, sing, dance, act, write, travel, be creative. I'm all about having fun. :)

I have a few tattoos, a tongue ring and a nose ring. I went through this experimental phase when I was younger and I pierced things and dyed my hair every color of the rainbow. I learned the hard way that if you dye your hair too often, it turns green because of all the chemicals. Beware of peroxide. My hair is still recovering.

Television, I love it. Not to the point where I don't have a life, but god, I do love it. Television shows...

- Ally McBeal, what a fucking hilarious show.
- Absolutely Fabulous. It's crazy, hilarious and British. :) Ab Fab and Ally McBeal, are the only two television shows I've ever seen, where I can watch the same thing over and over, and it's still funny every time.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Two words, Buffy and Faith.
-Angel. He is SO much cooler when he's not with Buffy. He's actually interesting. David and Charisma, love them.
- V.I.P., Vallery Irons Protection. Campy action comedy about bodyguards in LA. I stumbled on it accidently one lazy Saturday evening and have been ever hooked since.
- La Femme Nikita. Leather, guns, sexy actors, covert operations. What more do you need.
- Cleopatra 2525. A futuristic action comedy about a stripper, Cleopatra, who gets cryogenically frozen after botched cosmetic surgery and wakes up over five hundred years later to find that the surface has been taken over by machines. Hel and Sarge find Cleo and they team up to retake the surface. Yeah, it's silly. But I love it anyway. Jennifer Sky, Vicky Pratt and Gina Torres, 8 PM EST on the WB.
- Xena, yeah, Xena. It's the silliest, campiest thing I've ever seen, and I love it. :)
- Voyager. Don't ask me why. It's a mystery. I just got sucked in.
- Charmed. Finally, Alyssa Milano in a role where she doesn't take her clothes off and Shannen Doherty in a show where I don't want to smack her character every five seconds. But seriously, it rocks.

And then there's NBC's Must See TV Thursday lineup, Real World, Road Rules, yadda yadda yadda, the list goes on. :)

From left to right..

Me and my friends from Rent
A slurpee, a squeegee and me
Me and Seth as Homecoming King and Queen back in high school
Halloween 1998. I was a princess. I had a kick ass costume too, you can't tell from the picture though. I have my nose pierced, so, that's what that little black spot on the right side of my nose is. It's a little black stud.
I have no idea where the next picture is from, but I liked it.
The last one is from New Year's Eve 1999. I'm kissing the mistletoad. :)

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