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"It is easy to know an enemy, but not as easy as it is to mistake a friend. An enemy can prove himself by a single deed. A friend must prove himself over and over again."
~Dragonlance Saga, The Meetings vol.6, The Companions

All of my graphics, backgrounds, etc. are from webpages offering free graphics and stuff. Although I don't know where many of them came from, I've realized that it's important to give people credit, exactly as I would want for anything I've created. At the bottom of the page is my credits section, where you find where I got many of my graphics. If you would like to help get the word out, or just find out what I'm babbling about, visit GreyDay

My Psychotic Friends

Maya's Poison Elves page, she's also the webmaster for the fanfic section of the official PE page.

Bearded Wolf
a very intersting person with an outstanding webpage

Deadly Nights
an independent movie created by a friend of mine


Kane Dark
on a mission to destroy micorsoft and lover shockwave

Sadistic Gnomes
a collaborative page with Maya

Pyrena's Playground
my fun page >:P

Other KickAss Websites

The Official Poison Elves Homepage! The most kickass comic book in the world, go check it out!

Go! NOW!! Better than aol ever will be :Þ

don't let the name fool you

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Smacks of Romance! Daily Romantic Idea by

