New York State Sunday School Association
Registration Form
2001 Great Lakes Ministry Conference
May 11-12, 2001 at Wesleyan Church of Hamburg, NY

Name ____________________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________________


Phone Number _________________________ Email _______________________________

Church or Organization ______________________________________________________

I will be taking the Puppet Making Workshop      Yes      No

Non-Refundable Registration Fees

Member Churches

$30.00 each paid before April 14, 2001
$35.00 each paid after April 14, 2001

$10.00 additional for Canadian funds

Non-Member Churches

$35.00 each paid before April 14, 2001
$40.00 each paid after April 14, 2001

$10.00 additional for Canadian funds

Pre-Registration Costs includes Saturday's lunch.

If the Puppet Workshop is full, the Puppet fee will be refunded.

Number paying with U.S. Funds:

_____ at $_____ = $ _______

Number paying with Canadian Funds:

_____ at $_____ = $ _______
_____ at $10.00  = $ _______

Number registering for Puppet Workshop:

USD _____ at $25 = $ _______
CAD _____ at $35 = $ _______

Total Amount Enclosed $_________

Please print and fill out one registration form for each registrant.
Make check payable to NYSSSA and send to PO Box 538, Kenmore, NY   14217-0538

* The Pastor or his/her representative from member churches is exempt from Spring Conference Fees.

Now you can find out if your church is a member of NYSSSA online and if not,
application forms are just a click away.

For more information please Email Us or

In the US contact David Grainge at
(716) 856-7495     Fax (716) 649-1984    

In Canada contact Barry Swift at
(905) 356-2381     Fax (905) 835-1387

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Last updated February 14, 2001