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Firey Sky's home page

1998 LostHope



This should help your curiosity... however if you check back soon I plan on having a bucnh of pages full of information, and linx

1. Introduction

2. Definition of wicca

3. Pentagram

4. Tools

5. Alter

6. Book of Shadows

7. Ruins

8. Tarrots

9. Sabbats

This is just a general overview. I will have more complete information when time permits. Expect alot of updates to this section of my site soon!

1. introduction

So you're proballay intrested in the craft, or are already involved somehow.. thats why you have came here.

I am a practicing solitary witch. I do not know much of the works of covens.. i am unsure if i would like to join one, but i think that i prefer practicing solo for the fact that i do not have to conform to others beliefs, tho i would like to share ideas and thoughts about the craft with other like minded people.

most of my information comes from the large book collection of Wiccan books that i have collected. On occasion i run into another Witch on the net, i choose to stay away from some people who i see that wear pentagrams and say that they are Wiccan, because in my experience most of them end up bringing satinism into the conversation, and let me assure you that that is NOT Wicca, especiallay since Wiccans do not belive it Satin, well not me anyway, and not the author of several of the books that I own.

2. Definition of Wicca or Witchcraft

Well many people have the misconception that Witches are evil, this is NOT true, Witches' do not practice black majick as is the popular misconception, given to society thru the media, and history, such as the salem Witch trials, I recently read a book in my local library, the book was alittle dated, but had some good information in it, and I learned that the Witches in Salem may NOT have been practicing what is known and practiced today as Witchcraft.. what? did you read that right.. yes, the book said that although they practiced Witchcraft, it can not be proven, or dis-proven for that fact that those Witches practiced Wicca! I was suprised to read this too, but think of it, there is a possibility that it it true. Prehaps those Witches were in fact practicing black majick, there fore not witches but sorcerers. I find it odd that Disney has decided to make mickey mouse into a sorcerer... is disney evil? Any ways.. Wiccan is a very nature related religion, and i have decided that i would like to try to find an enviornmental group to try to save our damnd planet. We (Wiccans) belive in a tripple Goddess, and a God.

3. Pentagram

The Pentagram has five sides to it, and before i get any further into this page i think that i should give reason and definition of all these five sides. they are.. Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Spirit, the five essential elements of life. The Pentagram's Tip should be pointed up.This signialises the flow of the energy is positive. Satinists also use a pentagram, for what it stands for in satinisim i have yet to find out, but am not really too intrested, all i know is that they use it with the point downwards.

4. Tools

There are many tools that a Witch uses... The Dagger stores energy untill it is time to cast it outside of the majick circle, Candles and insence, invite and give honor to the Goddess and God, The White Handled knife, this is the working tool, you may carve any spiritual things with, such as your wand, ruins, figures representing the Goddess and God.. The wand is used for casting... The cauldren us used to burn inscence in, and to mix potions in. Candle anointing oil is used to bless the candles before they are used for a ritual. The pentical is a metal or wax pentagram that is placed flat upon the alter facing foward, where ever you decide to point your alter, mine points to the north, well just because north is up.. there are other tools or idems that you may bring into your circle with you, but these are just the basics.. i want to keep this page as short and informitive as possible.

5. Alter

Alters are set up usuallay on a flat circular surface, a table, or outside a tree stump or flat rock (you could set yours up on a square or other shape tablee, i wont tell) I usuallay have mine set up on the floor because of the small size of my apartment, and i have to set it up everytime i cast the circle.. it has become part of my rituals.  All of the tools i have mentioned above should be brought into the circle, but I dont think that the Goddess or God will peanilize you if you just dont have something.. I have been casting circles when i first started.. (i am broke if i didnt mention) with a plastic knife for aa white handle knife, a steak knif for a dagger, a coffee can for a caldren, and a stick (which is fine) for a wand.. i have been able to accuire several if the tool needed as i come across extra cash, but if you live in aa small town or something it may be harder for you to find everything that you need. Mail order may bee your only choice if there are no Wiccan stores near you.

6. Book of Shadows

Finallay.. on to some good stuff... the book of shadows is a LOG book of everything that you find important for YOUR rituals, or your coven's rituals. This book is generallay for your vewing eyse only, because it will contain spells, possibly you may put a drawing of your alter set up, special rituals for sabats, which i will explain alittle later, and just about anything else wicca related that you find useful to use or want to store for a later date.. i have mine printed out from my puter.. didnt want to save the files to the hd because i dont want peering eyes to stumble upon them somehow, especiallay if i decide to get a server up someday.

7. Ruins

ummm.. how can i truly express the meaning of the Ruins, if i do not have grafix of them on the computer? Ruins are ancient symbols that have special meanings, Ruins may be carved into your wand, or any other majickal idem that you decide to carve them onto to personalise and give the power of that ruin... I was gonna scan some pages of a book that I have on Ruins, till i realised that that would be copywrite infringement.. you can also cast ruins.. i have a set of ceramic Ruins that i have purchaced, along with a book on how tou use and cast them to predict things.. come back soon cause i plan on eventuallay showing what some of them look like and there meanings...

8. Tarrot

Sorry, i have no information nor an i really intrested in Tarrot readings at the present time, but who knows, mabey someday someone will teach me a meaning ful use for them, and I will be able to share my knowledge with you

9. Sabbits

ummm.. errr i wanna put this part up, but right now i dont want to mislead you with what i have in my head, i would like to confirm the information with the book of sabbats i have, but it is currently not around.. when i find it i will post them.. sorry for the inconvience.. as you know there is halloween, which is the feast of the dead, the winter solice, and the summer solice, i dont wanna mix them up and give you the info fer the oppisite ones, so i will keep my mouth shut, the autum aquanox, and there are a few more.. but let me find my book before i feel like an idiot giving out wrong information, sorry!

hey this is my first year as a Witch... I think I'm pretty knowledgeable fer such a newbie :)


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