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Q.E.D. Winter Color Guard

2002 Season

Back: Katie-Lyn, Nicole, Amber, Kara, Sarah, La'Nita
Front: Christina, Evan, Chris, Becca

In the 2002 season Q.E.D. competed in four WGI Regionals, and were finalists at the Eastern, New England and Mid-Atlantic events. We had a great season overall, and for the first time in our ten-year history, we were Independent A finalists at the WGI Championships in Dayton. The staff could not be prouder of the members!!

We have also had a great season in M.A.I.N., placing first at each of the five competitions we attended, and finishing our season with the gold medals around our necks at the Championships held on April 20. We had a wonderful group to work with, and they worked as hard as I've ever seen anyone work to earn their success this year. On behalf of the entire staff I extend a heartfelt "THANK YOU" to each of them.

Our 2002 program was entitled "Palladio",featuring the music of Karl Jenkins, through which we explored the seasons... from the last days of Summer, through the mysteries of Fall; from the delight of the first snowfall of Winter into the renewal of Spring.

The pictures here are from our competitions this season, and you can follow the links button below to view information on previous years' shows, with brief descriptions and pictures from throughout each season.

It was with much sadness that we faced the end of the 2002 season, for we lost our two longest time members to college. After attending the local community college for two years, both Becca (6 year member) and Sarah (4 year member) are going away this fall to continue their education. The end-of-season performance in Kingston for family & friends was bittersweet... we had our WGI Finalist plaque and our gold medals and 1st Place trophy from M.A.I.N. to share with those who supported us emotionally and financially throughout the season, but we all knew that it was to be the very last performance by these two long-time members of our Q.E.D. family. Becca and Sarah, please know that you will be missed terribly, and promise you'll come back to visit OFTEN!



Origin of our Name