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Honey, I see that our guests are beginning to arrive. Would you please check to see that the fire is burning and all is in readiness to greet everyone? You get their hats & coats and I'll take care of the refreshments. First impressions are lasting impressions and I do so hope they will become lifelong friends.

Come on in, I'm so happy you could make it to our open house! Warm yourselves by the fireplace. My wife will join us shortly and we can all properly introduce ourselves. Until then, please make yourself at home.

Well I see just about everybody is here. I hope you've all taken the chill off by the fire. My name is Diana & this is my husband Paul. We're both so happy you could join us in celebrating this glorious holiday season. Perhaps we could all go into the living room & sit around the tree and get to know a little bit more about each other.

Karma (our baby) said "meow, meow, meow, meow, meow!" Loosely translated, that means Merry Christmas to you all!

Watch that window Karma & keep looking for Santa. Christmas will soon be here & there is already one present waiting for you under the tree!

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