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Preventing Depression
  Preventing Depression

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Lesson Plans

Here are a few lesson plans that can be used to help students become emotionally aware.  Students are given the chance to think about feelings and brainstorm ideas on how to improve their mood in a positive way.  The lesson plans provided can be used in a 4th or 5th grade class.


Area: Language Arts

Level- 4th/5th grade

Time:  60 minutes

Type of lesson:  Recognizing emotions

New York State Standards: Language Arts #2 &4



-          Students will be able to examine how different life events affect their mood.

-          Students will be able to explain different feelings and how they affect their reactions.

-          Students will be able to relate to others by sharing their experiences with the class.



-          Paper plates

-          Markers & Crayons

-          Decorative materials- paper, sequins, yarn etc.

-          Glue

-          Scissors



-          The teacher will ask the students to explain what emotions are.

-          The students will explain the different types of emotions and the teacher will write them on the chalkboard.

-          The students will be given three paper plates and materials to design masks.

-          They will be instructed to create three different emotions by designing masks that express each emotion.

-          The students will also be instructed to write one sentence on the back of each mask describing the emotion in their own words.

-          After the students have completed their project, the teacher will ask them to share one of their masks with the class.

-          The teacher will guide the students to engage in conversation about their masks.

-          At the end of the conversation the teacher will ask the students to reflect on the similarities they shared with others regarding their feelings and emotions.  The teacher will write their thoughts on the board.



-          The teacher will monitor students’ learning by listening to their questions and answers.  The teacher will also observe their masks and see if their statements relate to the emotion they demonstrated on each mask.

Area: Language Arts

Level- 4th/5th grade

Time:  60 minutes

Type of lesson:  Handling problems

New York State Standards: Language Arts #3 & 4



-          Students will be able to solve problems related to different scenarios.

-          Students will be able to develop different ideas working together as a group to overcome a problem.

-          Students will be able to recognize ways to create a positive solution to a negative circumstance.



-          4 different scenarios prepared for the students (see below)

-          Paper

-          Pencils


  1. Sue and Joey are playing together at the playground.  Sue mentions she wants to go on the swings.  Joey thinks it is a good idea.  There is one swing available.  Sue and Joey both run to the swing at the same time.  They both start to argue about who is going to use the swing first.   What can Sue and Joey do to make the situation better?  How can they work together in a positive way?
  2. Katie failed her Math test and is extremely sad about it.  She doesn’t like Math and feels she’ll never succeed in this subject.  She doesn’t see any reason to try harder.  What can Katie do to improve her success in Math?   How can Katie improve her attitude regarding her poor test grade and difficult situations in general? 
  3. John makes fun of Paul everyday at school.  As a result, Paul becomes depressed and avoids other people.  John thinks he is being funny and has no idea how he is making Paul feel.  As John’s friend, what can you do to stop him from teasing Paul?  How can you make John understand the consequence of his actions?
  4. Tammy is usually a very cheerful person.  She loves to play sports and participate in different activities.  One day while rollerblading she fell and broke her leg.  She has to wear a cast and is unable to play any sports.  Tammy becomes depressed and doesn’t hang out with her friends as much anymore?  As Tammy’s friend, what can you do to help her feel better?  What are some suggestions you can offer to help her cope with her injury and current situation?




-          The teacher will ask the students to think about an incident that caused them to become very upset.

-          The students will be asked to share their thoughts and discuss them with the class.

-          The students will form groups of 4 -6.

-          Each group will be given one scenario.

-          The teacher will instruct the students to read the scenario and to use their pencil and paper to write down ideas about the scenario and to answers the questions provided.

-          The teacher will encourage the students to think of positive solutions to the problems.

-          The students will be given 15-20 minutes.

-          The students will be asked to share their scenarios with the whole class and explain their solutions.

-          The teacher with help facilitate the conversation by encouraging others to share their thoughts on each scenario.


-          The teacher will monitor students’ cooperation during the group activity.  The teacher will also observe the students' solutions and ideas regarding the scenarios.


Area: Language arts

Level- 4th/5th grade

Time:  5 days

Type of lesson:  Reflection on feelings

New York State Standards: Language Arts #3 & 4



-          Students will be able to write in their journals about their own personal feelings.

-          Students will be able to reflect on their feelings and what is causing them.

-          Students will be able to develop ideas on improving negative feelings.



-          Journals

-          Pencils



-          The teacher will instruct the students to write in their journal each morning about a situation that made them feel mad or upset.

-          The students will have 10 minutes every morning to write in their journals. 

-          By the end of the week, the teacher will ask the students to choose a partner and to share one of their journal entries.

-          The students will be encouraged to give each other some feedback regarding their journal entry.

-          The students will be instructed to develop different strategies to improve their moods.

-          The students will be asked to write a paragraph about what they learned from sharing their feelings and ideas their partners.




-The teacher will read the students' journal entries on a daily basis to make sure they comprehend what is expected of them. 

-The teacher will collect and read each student’s paragraph to see what conclusions they made after sharing with their partner.


Area: Language Arts

Level- 4th/5th grade

Time: 60 minutes

Type of lesson:  Feelings

New York State Standards: Language Arts #2 &3



-          Students will be able to define how they feel by writing down a specific situation that caused them to feel depressed.

-          Students will be able to develop ideas to improve their feelings.

-          Students will be able to work together and examine different situations.


-          Paper

-          Pencils

-          Box


-          The teacher will read a story to the class called Sad Days, Glad Days : A story about depression  by, DeWitt Hamilton.

-          The teacher will ask the students to reflect on the story and express their feeling about the book.

-          The students will be instructed to write down a situation that caused them to be depressed.  They will be instructed not to put their name on it.

-          The students will  place their papers in a box provided by the teacher.

-          The teacher will randomly choose a paper from the box and read it aloud to the class. 

-          The students will talk about the situation and develop positive ways of coping.

-          The teacher will read a few more entries and the students will repeat the same process.


-          The teacher will monitor the students’ responses related to the story. 

-          The teacher will monitor their comprehension by listening to their thoughts and ideas.