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Elda Way is to be commended for her "no" position in her letter to the editor in last week's Kalona News.  While we are not occupants of Riverside of Washington County, we still have a Kalona address, therefore making us a part of the Kalona community.  We also share a concern for the outcome of the vote in regard to the riverboat casino in Riverside.

    Our hats are off to all the hard-working individuals in Riverside, the Kalona community, Washington County and beyond who daily commit themselves to the responsibilities of a job that enable them to provide for themselves. 

    They not only plan and save for their families and their churches but also their community.  Additionally, they make time for the countless hours of volunteer work, whether as a fireman, first responder, 4-H leader, ball team coach, church youth leader, and the list goes on.

    (Compare that to the gambler, who, when hooked, lives only for himself and the next almighty dollar.)

    Through the efforts of all those individuals, we are collectively stronger as families in our churches and in our communities.  The goals of betterment are attained for homes, civic projects, and education of our youth, etc.

    Consequently, our standard of living is higher, thereby allowing us to enjoy a quality of life that not only values what we hold dear but encourages others to strive to make use of their God-given talents to serve those around them.  Our communities are greatly improved by their sacrifice, faithfulness and perseverance.

    The fable of the rabbit and the turtle comes to mind.  Remember which one won the race?  Yeah, it wasn't the fast-paced, hopping rabbit but the dedicated turtle!

    We would encourage the individuals of Riverside, the Kalona Community and Washington County to vote "no."

Thank you,

Gene and Judy Bontrager

Kalona, Iowa

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