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Bible Breathed from God, The (1978) by R. L. Saucy
Bible in the Church, The (1875) by B. F. Westcott
Bible in the Making, The (1958) by J. G. MacGregor
Bible, Its Origin, Its Significance, and Its Abiding Worth, The (1913)
  A. S. Peake
Biblical Authority (1982) by J. D. Woodbridge
Biblical Structuralism (1977) by R. M. Polzin,
Books and the Parchments, The (1984) by F. F. Bruce,
Can We Trust the Bible? (1979) by E. Radmacher, ed.
Dynamic Personal Bible Study (1981) by C. J. Barber
General Introduction to the Bible, A, 2d ed., rev. and enl. (1986) by N. L. Geisler and W. E. Nix,
God Has Spoken (1979) by J. I. Packer
I Believe in Revelation (1976) by L. L. Morris,
Independent Bible Study (1963) by J. L. Jensen,
Inerrancy (1979) by N. L. Geisler
Infallible Word, The (1946) by N. B. Stonehouse, ed.
Inspiration and Authority of the Bible (1970) by B. B. Warfield,
Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible (1957) by R. L. Harris
Inspiration of Scripture (1955) by R. Preus
Language and Imagery of the Bible, The (1980) by G. B. Caird
Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts (1958) by F. G. Kenyon
Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament, A (1926) by R. D. Wilson
Scripture and Truth (1983) by D. A. Carson and J. D. Woodbridge, eds.
So Many Versions? (1983) by S. Kubo and W. F. Specht
Supreme Authority (1953) by N. Geldenhuis
Thy Word Is Truth (1957) by E. J. Young
Understanding the Bible (1972) by J. R. W. Stott,
What You Should Know About Inerrancy (1981) by C. C. Ryrie
Why I Trust the Bible (1983) by J. F. MacArthur, Jr.,
Word of God and the Mind of Man, The (1982) by R. H. Nash



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All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.  --2 Tim. 3:16