Head First

Imagined to have been released on Warner Brothers 1975

Tracks: Written By: Lead Singer: Time
1: Mr Manager (Evans) Tom 3.32
2: Lay Me Down (Ham) Pete 3.35
3: Turn Around (Jackson) Bob 4.21
4: Back Again (Gibbins) Mike 2.55
5: Just How Lucky We Are (Ham) Pete 2.29
6: Moonshine (Gibbins/Jackson/Evans) Tom 3.55
7: Ringside (Ham) Pete 3.59
8: Passed Fast (Evans/Jackson) Tom and Bob 2.55
9: Keep Believing (Ham) Pete 4.08
10: Rocking Machine (Gibbins) Mike 1.27
11: Rock'n Roll Contract (Evans) Tom 4.39
12: Queen of Darkness (Evans) Tom 2.38
13: No More (Ham) Pete 2.55

My comments:

Total Playing Time: 40.50

Three songs from Pete Ham's final days have been added; all very strong. You will have to imagine the Pete had come over his crisis and had called the guys to tell them,"Hey, I have some new songs here, we need to record". Of course the financial and legal complications would have had to be solved as well. These 3 songs recorded by the band would have been great.

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