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Well here are some power levels the are coming strait from the manga stories. There are no more Scouters after the Freeza saga, so if you see any power levels posted up some where from the Cell saga or something like that you know that they are not accurate, they are just estimates.

Character Name Power Level
Radditz Saga

Raditz 1500
Goku 416
Piccolo 408
Saiyan's Saga

Tenshinhan 1830
Yamcha 1480
Krillin 1083-1770
Chaozu 610
Piccolo (b4 fight with saiyans) 1220-3500
Gohan (b4 fight with saiyans) 981-2800
Nappa 4000
Vegeta 18,000
Goku, normal power 5000
Goku, powered up 8000
Goku Kaio-Ken x3 24,000
Goku Kaio-Ken x4 Kamehameha 32000
Oozaroo Vegeta 180,000
Freeza Saga

Krillin (Guru Power-up) 13,000 (max)
Gohan (Guru Power-up) 14,000 (max)
Kewi 18,000
Captain Ginyu 120,000
Vegeta 30,000 (max against Recoome)
Goku 90,000 (average) - 180,000 (vs Capt. Ginyu)
The Final Battle in Namek

Goku (after revival) 300,000
Freeza: Form 1 not given
Freeza: Form 2 not given
Freeza Form 3 not given
Freeza Form 4 (50%) 6,000,000
Freeza Form 4 (100%) 12,000,000
Super Saiyajin Goku 15,000,000
Cell Saga

SSJ Goku 4500000
SSJ Vegeta 4700000
SSJ Vegeta ,after traning 11000000
SSJ Future Trunks 4500000
SSJ Trunks, after training 15000000
SSJ Gohan 4200000
Piccolo 2000000
Piccolo Fused with Kami 9000000
Android #17 6000000
Android #16 6500000
Androin #20 500000
Android #19 1000000
Androin #18 6000000
Cell 5500000
Cell after absorbing some people 8000000
Messed up cell (with #17) 18000000
Perfect Cell 25000000
Cell Game

SSJ Vegeta 17000000
SSJ Future Trunks 17000000
Piccolo 16000000
SSJ Goku 20000000
SSJ Gohan 9500000
SSJ2 Gohan 27000000
Mr. Satan 80
Super Perfect Cell 27000000
Majin Buu Saga

SSJ2 Goku 34500000
SSJ3 Goku 37500000
SSJ2 Vegeta 34000000
Majin Vegeta 36000000
Gohan 29000000
Gohan {Zet sword traning} 36000000
SSJ Chibi Trunks 14000000
Piccolo 28000000
SSJ Goten 13500000
Kaioshin 14000000
Android #18 11000000
Kibit 16000000
Mr. Satan 100
Gotenks 29000000
SSJ Gotenks 38000000
SSJ3 Gotenks 41000000
Vegetto 65000000
KaioBit 40000000
Supopo 30000000
Dabura 33000000
Bibidi {uknown}
Majin Buu (fat) 38000000
Evil Buu 39000000
Ultra Majin Buu 41000000
Majin Buutenks [Buu + Gotenks] 44000000
Majin Buu [+ Piccolo + Gohan + Gotenks] 50000000
Super Majin Buu [Original Buu] 45000000

More coming soon!!!