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Some of the Discriptions are Coming Soon

Name: Goku
Race: Saiyan
Father: Bardock
Brother: Raditz
Son: Gohan and Goten
Wife: Chi-chi
Moves: Bukujutsu, Dragon
Fist, Fusion, Genki-Dama, Jan-Ken Punch, Kaio-ken, Kame Hame Ha, Kiaiho, Kienzan, Oozaru, Renzoku Energy Dan, Shunkanido, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJ4, Taiyoken, Telepathy, Teleportation, Zanzoken.
Discripion: His real name is Kakarot. He discoverd that from his brother Raditz which is also the first time he learned that he was a saiyan. Not only is he a great warrior, but also a spectacular leader. Throughout the entire series, he had inspired many, including both of his sons. He runs up to many battels in his life. After every batlle that he gets beat up he gets stronger and stronger (as this is for all saiyans). Goku is a true warrior he cares about other people, has mercy, trys to help the bad dudes, but he endes up killing them any way. Goku was trained by many people, and loves a good chalenging fight. Later on dbgt he dies of a rare heart desease.

Name: Gohan
Race: 1/2 Saiyan
Mom: Chi-chi
Father: Goku
Brother(s): Goten
Daughter: Pan
Wife: Videl
Moves: Bukujutsu, KameHameHa, Masenko, Oozaru, Renzoku Energy Dan, SSJ, SSJ2, Zanzoken.
Discripion: Gohan is Goku and Chi-chi's son. He is trained with Piccolo after Goku died and the saiyans were coming to Earth. After he was trained with piccolo he learned to control his power. He looks up to Piccolo and immatates him. Chi-chi his mom is always making him study so he can be smart. He turns out to be the first saiyan to turn super saiyan when he sees Cell killing Android 16. He later on kills Cell

Name: Vegeta
Race: Saiyan
Father: King Vegeta
Son: Trunks
Daughter: Bra
Wife: Bulma
Moves: Big Bang Attack, Bukujutsu, Final Flash, Fusion, Galick-Ho, Kienzan, Oozaru, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ4, Zanzoken.
Discripion: Vegeta is a guy that wants to be stronger than Goku, but he trys too much. His son Trunks becomes a ssj befor him, that relly gets him mad.

Name: Goten
Race: 1/2 Saiyan
Mom: Chi-chi
Father: Goku
Brother(s): Gohan
Moves: Bukujutsu, Fusion, Kame Hame Ha, SSJ, Zanzoken.
Discripion: Goten is Goku and Chi-chi's second son. He turns SSJ at the age of seven. He looks alot like Goku and wears the same thing pretty much. Goten and Trunks are best friensd and are almost always together.

Name: Trunks
Race: 1/2 saiyan
Mom: Bulma
Father: Vegeta
Sister: Bra
Moves: Bukujutsu, Burning Attack, Fusion, Kame Hame Ha, SSJ, USSJ, Zanzoken.

Name: Piccolo
Race: Namek
Father: Piccolo Dimou
Moves: Bukujutsu, Chonoryoku, Energy Dan, Eye Lazers, Kakusanyudokodan, Kyodaika, Makankosappo, Regeneration, Renzoku Energy Dan, Merging, Shogekiha, Tsuihidan, Zanzoken.
Discripion: Piccolo is a namek but was born on Earth. More to come soon.

Name: Krillin
Race: Human
Daughter: Marron
Wife: Cyborg #18
Moves: Bukujutsu, Double Tsuihikidan, Fusenko, Kakusandan, Kame Hame Ha, Kienzan, Shishin No Ken, Taiyoken, Zanzoken.
Discripion: Krillin is the short bald guy who is always fighting when Goku is. Krillin first dies when Piccolo Dimao kills him.Krillin is Goku's best friend, and plays a fairly important role in Dragon Ball. His Destructo Disk is a very powerful attack and he has almost killed many far stronger enemies with it. He almost killed Freeza at one point, althought he did manage to cut off Freeza's tail. Krillin is a monk from the Orinji Temple. He has six dots on his head which were branded on him. He has no nose. He is the strongest human on the earth. Krillin is shown bald for most of the Dragon Ball series, however he like Nappa does have hair. They both choose to shave their heads. He isn't as powerful as many of the other characters, but he is very resourceful. He even briefly faced off against Brolly. Krillin eventually grows hair back later in the series.

Name: Marron
Race: Human
Mom: Cyborg #18
Discripion: She is Krillin and #18's daughter. She doens't do much though.

Name: Bra
Race: 1/2 saiyan
Mom: Bulma
Father: Vegeta
Brother(s): Trunks
Discripion: She looks just like Bulma. I don't realy know much about her though.

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