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Interesting and Funny Stuff!

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You know you live in the N.W.T when...

forwarded to me from Walter Foddis(the NWT one)with some alterations and additions

You know you live in the N.W.T when...

you only own three spices - salt, pepper and HP
you design your Halloween costumes to fit over a snowsuit
the mosquitoes have landing lights
you have more miles on your snow blower than your car
you have 10 favorite recipes for moose meat
you thought "Grumpy Old Men" was a documentary
the hardware store on any Saturday is busier than the toy stores at Christmas
-5c is considered shorts and t-shirt weather
you have to go south to see traffic lights
you live in a house that has no front steps, yet the door is one meter above the ground
you've taken your kids trick-or-treating in a blizzard
driving is better in the winter because the potholes get filled with snow
you think everyone from the city has an accent
you think sexy lingerie is tube socks and a flannel nightie with only 8 buttons
you owe more money on your snowmobile than your car
the local paper covers national and international headlines on a 1/4 page, but requires 6 pages for sports
at least twice a year the kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant
the most effective mosquito repellent is a shotgun
your snow blower gets stuck on the roof
you head south to go to your cottage
you frequently clean grease off your barbecue so the bears won't prowl on your deck
you know which leaves make good toilet paper
the mayor greets you on the street by your first name
there is only one shopping plaza in town
the municipality buys a zamboni before a bus
the major church fundraiser isn't bingo-it's sausage making
you find -40C a might chilly
the trunk of your car doubles as a deep freezer
you attend a formal event in your best clothes, your finest jewelry, and your Sorels
you can play road hockey on skates
you can tell the difference between a chipmunk and a squirrel from 300 yards away
shoveling the driveway constitutes a great upper body workout
you know the 4 seasons: Winter, still Winter, almost Winter and Construction


Here are some things which make Canada such a great country:
We have great variety in seasons
We have great world-wide reputation with other countries
We invented Hockey
We invented the telephone
We invented cable T.V.
We are one of the G-7 countries
We are a part of NATO
We are a part of NAFTA
We are one of the only countries that can put up with Americans
We have a low crime rate
Canadians are polite
Canada is easy to spell
Canada is easy to pronounce
We have one of the top education systems
Canada introduced peace-keeping
Our government pays for medicine. In other words, no hospital bills
We have nice cities
We have clean cities
We are at peace with many countries
We made those dinosaurs in Jurassic Park
We are not stupid
Canada has more clean water than any other nation
Canada is a free and democratic society
Hockey is Canada, Canada is hockey
We know how, and when to use the word, "eh"
We have two official languages, and a leader that speaks his own
We are patriotic
We are probably the least biased country
There's a lot of famous Canadians
Lots of ski resorts
Lots of golf courses
We have the world's longest bridge (P.E.I. to the mainiland)
We have the world's tallest self-supported structure (CN Tower, Toronto)
Most of us know what the CN Tower is for
We have the world's longest street (Yonge St., Toronto to somewhere near Manitoba)
Canadians are 300% less likely to be murdered than Americans
Economy living up to most of its potential of all G7 nations
We have the 'Smarties' candy unlike Americans (Very important, isn't it?)
Canadian students rank higher than American students in Math, Science, English, ...
1/3 of Microsoft programmers come from the University of Waterloo
Canadians invented the baseball glove
Canadians invented the kitchen stove
Titanic, written, directed, and produced by a Canadian, James Cameron
Canada is the only country at the Atlanta summer olympics that sent more women than men, meaning we aren't sexist
Canada is one of the few countries with women in the millitary
Average life expectancy of a Canadian is 79 years, the highest in the world (U.S. is 75 years)
Canadian cities lead the world in quality of life. Vancouver (1), Toronto (3), Montreal (15). Closest American city was Atlanta at thrity-something
Canadian discovered Pablum (Baby food)
Recovered bodies of the Titanic are buried in Halifax (not really something to demonstrate patriotism but an interesting fact)
Canada never owned slaves (there were slaves in Canada in the 18th century but they were owned by the British government)
Many American slaves came secretly to Canada during the American civil war
Canada is among most popular tourist destinations in the world
Canada has the lowest crime rate among major industrialized countries
Canada is home to the world's third largest food franchise--Fogen Frutz
More medals per capita than any other country at the Atlanta Summer Olympics
Canadian troops lead the invasion of Normandy
Canadian attack at Vimy Ridge during WWI; one of the turning points of the war
You know the nuclear bombs the U.S. prides itself on? Well they get the essential uranium from Canada
More drinkable water in Canada then anywhere else in the world

Thats all for now. If you have any interesting or funny stuff you think others would enjoy please email me or icq me at #7813100

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