Arabic Keyboard Arabic Keyboard - لوحة المفاتيح العربية Arabic Keyboard Untitled Document
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.: H O M E :.

.: Calligraphy :.

[.: Arabic Keyboard :.]

.: Interview :.

.:Photo Gallery:.




- Beta Version of the site was launched.

- Calligraphy sections is up and Arabic keyboard page.


Interview and Downloads sections added.


Photo Galleries uploaded... Enjoy!


Arabic Keyboard

Arabic Keyboard

Arabic Keyboard - لوحة المفاتيح العربية
Arabic Keyboard - لوحة المفاتيح العربية

تعمل فقط على Explorer5.x
بعد الانتهاء من الكتابة قم بتعليم النص ثم اضغط "Ctrl C" وعند لصقه اضغط "Ctrl V"

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This time... I'll be having some files to be downloaded and some Flash illustration of how to do few tricks!