$TOP THE WA$TE! Zeigler for State Auditor
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$TOP THE WA$TE! 'With Roger Bedford and Don Singleterm in Montgomery, we need a tough State Auditor. Even if we defeat Singleterm and Bedford, we still need a tough Auditor to monitor the entrenched bureacracy.' __ Jim Zeigler

Zeigler speaks to GOP women leaders. Zeigler's speech to GOP women News article on Zeigler outlining plans to GOP women leaders. Read More

Zeigler's plan to use voter registrars to build GOPNews article on Zeigler outlining plans to GOP women leaders. Read More

Siegelman revises definition of 'special interests.' It's election year! What Don Siegelman really means by "special interests." This is phony. I mean funny. Editorial on Don the Revolutionary. Read More

Sen. Roger Bedford indicted in state checks scheme.

Zeigler fights misuse of taxpayer money.
Bedford deals detailed here.Read More

Diversion of education money detailed.Zeigler leads fight against waste of education dollars Diversion of education money detailed. Read More

Alabama retired teacher's novel all should read!Book review on Ellen William's novel. Read More

Zeigler re-starts exploratory campaign toward State Auditor race. Click icon for news release. Zeigler gets clean bill of health. Re-starts exploratory campaign for Auditor. Click photo for full story.Zeigler re-starts exploratory campaign for Auditor. Wins battle against cancer. Former Public Service Commissioner re-starts exploratory campaign for State Auditor Read More

Zeigler to seek return of $400,00 from illegal warehouse deal. Click icon for AP story.State loses $400,000 on illegal warehouse deal.
Zeigler to seek recovery for taxpayers.
Zeigler to use state auditor's office to recover $400,000. Read More

News articles on Zeigler's crusade against wasteful government spending. Click icon for series.
News articles feature Zeigler's fight against government waste.
Taxpayer advocate wins major battles.
Zeigler's work for taxpayers documented in news reports. Read More

Vote by e-mail: Should Zeigler run?
Cast your VOTE on whether Zeigler should run to succeed Auditor Susan Parker (Dem.-Athens), who is running against Jeff Sessions for US Senate. Please vote after viewing this site, then get others to vote.

Diagram, documentation of Siegelman-Bedford schemesAmazing chart documents Siegelman-Bedford corruption
Details of questionable deals here.
Read More

Enough missing property to supply a small town government. Click icon for full story.State Auditor can't find $4 million in missing state property Some agencies not audited in 10 years. Read More

Duties of Auditor from official Auditor website
Legal duties of State Auditor to monitor spending -- NOT DONE!
Constitutional duty of Auditor to monitor spending -- NOT DONE! Read More

Read Zeigler's story

"Biography Channel" -- Zeigler's Story. Read Zeigler's story Read More

Work part-time to help Zeigler $TOP THE WA$TE

Zeigler's Mission for Auditor:

"When I say that Don Siegelman, Roger Bedford and their cronies have not been good stewards of our tax dollars, it is the understatement of the year. We need to fire Siegelman and Bedford and hire leaders who will stop wasting our limited resources.”

"We also need a State Auditor who will be a tough monitor of state spending. No State Auditor has ever done this even though the power and responsibility are in our constitution.”

"We have seen clear examples of waste of millions. News reports of wasteful spending are just the tip of the iceberg. As your State Auditor, I will uncover the rest of the iceberg – the hidden millions in waste.”

“If you hire me as your Auditor, I will work that office like it has never worked before. I will take personal charge of exposing and opposing wasteful spending.”

“Please consider your investment of time and money in my race for Auditor as your best way to make a real difference and STOP THE WASTE! Thank you."

___Jim W. Zeigler, Applicant for Job of State Auditor

Zeigler's "Job Application" (YOU do the hiring)

YOU can help Zeigler $TOP THE WA$TE! Your support NOW helps Jim Zeigler $TOP THE WA$TE! Read More

YOU can help Zeigler $TOP THE WA$TE! Zeigler's Talking Points:

Has high name recognition: 72% statewide

Won 2000 statewide race for Bush Delegate by wide margin over strong candidates

Successfully led difficult taxpayer fights that STOPPED illegal and unauthorized spending

Developed game plan to turn State Auditor into tough monitor of wasteful government spending

How YOU can help Zeigler $TOP THE WA$TE! You can make a difference in STOPPING THE WASTE! Read More

You can help RIGHT NOW.
Send an automatic email to any Alabama voter NOW. Just use this fun, simple form. If you like, you can see what the message looks like by sending one to a close friend or to yourself. Please keep sending them until the November 2002 election! Just bookmark this site www.ZeiglerForAuditor.net and return often. Many thanks!

All taxpayers in Alabama need to know about Jim Zeigler's campaign to $TOP THE WA$TE of millions of our tax dollars. Please tell your friends with this quick, fun automatic e-mailer!


The sole object and only legitimate end of government is to protect the citizen in the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property, and when the government assumes other functions, it is usurpation and oppression. - Alabama Constitution


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Book review here. Updated news of current special session here! Register to voter here! Preview of 2002 elections here. Updated daily. Please bookmark and return often.

Attend Next Zeigler Meeting  |  Vote by email: Should Zeigler run?  |  Updates on Legislatvie Session  |  2002 Election News  |  New cartoon page: High-cost political humor |  Zeigler's Work for Taxpayers  |  Zeigler Family Values  |  Siegelman-Bedford corruption chart  |  Paid part-timers needed!

Authorized by Zeigler for Auditor Exploratory Committee
3071 Teal Court, Mobile, Alabama 36695
E-mail personally to ZeiglerE-Mail: Jim W. Zeigler Phone Zeigler at 251/602-1625

Paid for by Jim W Zeigler Campaign