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This is a list dedicated to slash and femslash fanfic (male/male and female/female) and discussion about the TV shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. If you are offended by male/male or female/female sex, please do not subscribe. **If you wish to subscribe to this list, you MUST send an email informing me that you are at least 18 years of age, to: .

If you like your fanfic with happy endings, you've got the wrong group. Don't get us wrong: we love Xander-- but we also love to kill him off. This is the Bermuda Triangle of Xanderfiction-- Xander goes in, but he doesn't come out.

Also, be sure to check out the IOX fiction archive, Deadonia at

You're having slashy dreams every night? You can't live without your daily dose of slash? You lust over all the men, or at least some of them, from the Buffy and Angel verse? Then you ARE a slashaholic! This list is for you! It's a M/M slash only list. Fanfiction (any M/M pairings), fic challenges and discussions about both shows are welcome and encouraged! :-)

This list is for adults only. An age statement will be required from you before you can join. Go on and join! We don't bite! The list-moms, Sarah, Swathi, Sofy and AJ.

The update list for Sonja Marie's Buffy the Vampire/Angel Series Links. Annouce list only.

This group is dedicated to the addiction of Spike. Our mantra is: Stand up, be proud and say, I'm a Spikeaholic, and I don't want the cure!

Every week we will meet and discuss the addiction. The discussion will be open for a full week. Please no OT posts on here, we all belong to other groups, and this group is wholly for Spike Addiction counseling.

Spike. Slash. Fan Fiction. Fics of any rating and discussion are welcome.

This is an adult list. This list will contain stories involving slash (male/male) sexual interaction. YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 18 TO JOIN THIS GROUP.

Welcome! This is a sister group to m-mSlashaholics. We've decided to take over BtVS/Angel boy at a time.

This is a place for all your Spike slash needs! Now, if you're like Spike, you probably have a lot of them.

So sit back, have a cup of tea, and get ready to drool.

Since this group will see the entire ratings spectrum of fics, you need to be over the age of majority to join.

All M/M pairings with Spike are accepted and encouraged

The Zeppo! In luuve with Xander from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, this is the place to get him together with a MALE *grin* ! I`m NOT the only one I think, that has picked up on lusty vibes coming from Xander. Have seen hot guy`s lurking: *the dark/brooding one - Angel. *the sexy english blond in leather duster - Spike. *the PTB chosen seer - Doyle. *the soldier - Graham.

Why do I want to subscribe here ???? Bec. I love to archive fanfiction storys, slashing the nummy Xander. And this is one easy slash them place.....

*Join and be as crazy as me....

WARNING: Only fan related fiction concerning Xander from the Buffy The Vampire Slayer - can be posted on this group.. No profit is made fom this....

A list for Spike and Xander slash fiction only, all ratings: G through NC-17. No discussion. Stories, URLs, and zine information for Spike and Xander slash.

Here will be a haven for AU slash. If you enjoy Spike, Xander, Oz, Lindsey, or any of the other Sunnydale boys in weird non-canon situations, this is the place to be. Alternate Universe is the name of the game. Do things to our Sunnydale boys that even Joss would hesitate to think about! You want Spike human? Oz the uncontested lord over Sunnydale? Vampires good in the fight against the evil Slayer? Go for it! And post it here!

Note: m/m slash must be the main pairing, and all ratings are accepted. By joining, you state that you are not a minor

An adults-only fanfiction list devoted to any and all "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"/"Angel" non-canonical "unconventional" relationship fanfiction. If it's on the show, we're not interested.

Welcome to XanderSlashaholics! We're a sister list to m-mSlashaholics, and darn proud of it! All ratings are allowed, and any M/M pairings with Xander. Please make sure you're of the legal age in your area.
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