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Ms. Anaya-Hallam's 2nd Grade Class at Carlos Rey Elementary School 2003-2004


Isaac A.
Karina A.
Ray B.
Analy B.
Cheyenne D.
David D.
Ashley E.
Alexis F.
Henry F.
Alexis G.
Samantha G.
Elijah H.
LeAnn H.
Andrew J.
Adam  M.
Kimberly M.
Dylan P.
Selene P.
Vidal R.
April R.
Edgar S.
Lorenzo S.
Patrick V. 
Bianca V.
 for Netscape
Ms. Anaya-Hallam's Page 

Mr. Looney Page   
LAST UPDATED 12-09-04 by Webmaster and tech assist Walter Looney. Student Teacher and Ronald E. Mcnair Scholar.  

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