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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Key Club?

Key (Kiwanis Educates Youth) Club is an international student run service organization dedicated to helping the community. All clubs participate in local volunteer events that benefit different causes.

When are Key Club meetings?

The WH/IP Key Club meets every Wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m. in room 125 of WHHS.

How much are Key Club Dues? When do I have to pay them by?

Key Club Dues are $10 for the entire year. ($5 to International, $4 to District, $1 for the local club) They should be paid (at the latest) by November 13th. See WH treasurer George Cheuk if you're from WH or IP treasurer Anne Zwaizek if you're from IP.

What is the Point System?

The points system is the way we keep track of the amount of service you’ve done as a Key Club member. Basically, for every hour of service you do, you get 60 points. You also get points for meetings (2 pts. each), raising money (5 pts./dollar), project captaining (30 pts./event), walking in walks (20 pts/ mile), and submitting articles to the Key Moment, the official publication of the WH/IP Key Club.

In NY State, you can also get points for moving violations on your Driver's License. Some common infractions include passing a stop sign, running a red light, not yielding, etc... For more information, contact your local DMV.

How many points do I need?

We recommend setting a goal of 400 pts/month, and an accumulative 3600 pts/year.

However, on your drivers license, if you obtain too many points in too short a period, your drivers license can be revoked. For more informaiton, contact your local DMV.

What are the committees? How do I join?

We have 3 committees that help the club run smoothly and efficiently. They are the Art, Public Relations, and Projects/Fundraising committee. If you want to join a committee talk to the corresponding committee heads.

Who runs this website? Who can I contact if I have questions of comments pertaining to this site?

Amy Seligman and William L. Herbert are the webmasters of the WH/IP Key Club Site. You can contact either of them at or you can write to William directly at

What if I still have more questions?

Call or email the board members. They’ll be happy to answer any more questions you have!

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