April 24, 2001
Name: Carlos
Instrument: Air Guitar
Nickname: (KaR-los)
Born: 2/27/83
Marital Status: Not Married

Favorite Album:Issues
Favorite Song: Hey Daddy
Follow the Leader
Favorite Song: My Gift to You
Life is Peachy
Favorite Song: Good God
Favorite Song: Blind

I never did like music or listened to it until one boring day my kousin brought a CD over to my house. We played it on my cheap pathetic stereo and I thought nothing much of it at first. Quickly after, while the disc played on, we decided to kook some breakfast. From the kitchen all I could here was distorted krap koming from my stereo. I decided to shut it off. Further on that day my kousin left and I wondered if he had fogotten his CD in my stereo. I checked in my stereo and there was KoRn. The self-titled album. I decided to give the disc another chance on my CD walkman and... HOLY SH*T!! The harsh and huanting tone combined with Jonathan Davis's vocals, blew my brains out!. The song that gripped me and opened the door to the sound of all Rock music was "Blind". I am forever grateful.

Email= webmasterkornmix@lycos.com