1998-1999 BU Terrier Hockey

The Sophomores

This year, we have eight sophomores: Chris Dyment, Pat Aufiero, Mike DiMella, Jack Baker, Dan Cavanaugh, Dave LoPresti, Mike Pandolfo, and Jason Tapp.
So it was brought to my attention that last season, LoPresti was actually a sophomore, but playing as a freshman. I was pretty sure he was red-shirted when I first saw the roster this season, but not positive. And now I'm 99% sure he was red-shirted. Ok. Fine. So he's considered a freshman and that allows us to have him for 3 more years. Good. And thank you to those of you who found info on red-shirting for me, I'm not confused anymore!
Well, the pics from the Media Guide have been scanned, but they're huge. If you want to see them, Elie Sirotta has them up on his site, Terrierville. The link's up on my main hockey page.

Ok, I know the season's over, but there's always time for comments:

#4 and #5, Dyment and Aufiero: The Wonder Twins. When their powers combine, they either work as one of our best defensive combinations, or they transform into a messed up knee and broken wrist. It all depends.

#10 DiMella: Not too much to say about Mike, since I don't think he got too much ice time...

#15 Baker: My favorite of the class. Nothing is quite as amusing as watching little Jacky Baker (and just what is it with the commentators adding that "y" to everyone's name they possibly can? Jacky Baker, Danny Ronan, Nicky Gillis, sheesh, all we need to hear now is Chrissy Heron! But I digress), in all his 5'7" (in skates!) glory, try to check this 6'2" guy on the other team into the boards, bounce off the big guy, and end up on his ass. I was so proud the game when he actually knocked someone over and stayed on his feet. But he's all over the place, and even though he ends up on his ass a lot, he literally bounces back up off the ice.

#18 Cavanaugh: Poor Dan probably got a lot of crap for being the lucky one to get Drury's number. All that, "can he live up to the legend?" crap. Please. Gag me. With a really big spoon. Although he did surprise me by being one of the better players, and definitely one of the most consistent.

#20 LoPresti: Ok. So we red shirt the guy, and now there are rumors about cutting him? Can someone please expain that? Why would you decide you want a player around for an extra year so you can develop their skills, and then cut him? Sounds like the kind of decision my Mighty Staff's Commissioner would make, if you ask me. None of the on-ice staff would do something like that!

#25 Pandolfo: I need another spoon for this one. One more comment about how big brother Jay was on the team (and may have been captain at the time, but I'm not sure) when BU won the NCAA title in '95, and now it's little Mikey's turn, and I seriously would have shot myself in the head. And little Mikey isn't quite so little, if you ask me! Anyhoo, he reminds me of Lindros, which isn't good. (Ah, I can hear you all now. "Gasp! How can she call herself a Flyers fan? Oh, the horror!" Well, I got news for you. Lindros is a horribly overpaid supposed star of the team, and his status causes the rest of the team to adopt the attitude that they're nothing without him. Hmph. And I don't like Hextall anymore, either. It's time to retire. But yet again, I digress...) One of those fairly decent players who happens to be really big and overhyped so that all the fans focus on him and it gets ridiculous. I'm not saying he's bad, mind you. He did best as the kind of player who parks himself in front of the net and dumps in the rebound, but nooo, we didn't use him in that way. Which could help explain BU's rebound issues a tad.

#83 Tapp: I already put up stuff for That Tapp Kid on the goalie page.

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