(to the music of I Started a Joke, by The Bee Gees)

I starred on a show
Which started the whole world snoring
But I didn't see
That the star wasn't me

I started to whine
Which started the whole world groaning
Oh, they just couldn't see
Why the star should be me

This is what they said
Your big forehead
Is why your bed
Is gonna stay empty
Ah but not he
He's damn sexy

At last he got the girl
Which started the whole world cheering
Oh but now I could see
That the big joke was me

So I took a stand
Made my demand
That they'd understand
That I'm her destiny
We're just meant to be
Gone my virginity

Till I did get my wish
Which started the whole world puking
Now I've killed my show
With my damn big ego
No, oh, no,
Damn that giant ego