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Bilingual Ed K-4

Bilingual Ed 5-8

Bilingual Ed 9-12


ESL 5-8

ESL 9-12

French HS

German HS

Spanish K-4

Spanish 5-8


Spanish Grades 5-8 Annotated Sites

Subject Specific Sites

1. Mezzofanti Translations

"Welcome to Mezzofanti Translations - the most useful free translation site on the Internet! This page gives you direct access to powerful translators and multilingual dictionaries, all for FREE!  The world of foreign friends, family, customers, and website visitors is now open to you! These free translators will give you and/or your reader the main message of the entered text, commonly with some flaws (when translation accuracy is important, we suggest consulting a professional translator)"


2. Babel Fish Translation

This sites allows one to translate blocks of text up to 150 words. The options for languages include: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. Be aware that there are flaws in this translation service. 

3. ERIC Spanish Lesson Plans

ERIC provides Spanish lesson plans for grades 1-12.

4. Language in Action

"This site will encourage students' enthusiasm for learning a world language while developing their ability to use the target language in real-life situations and content-based instructional presentations."

5. Spanish Vocabulary Builder

Great graphics and audio files for beginners who want to build vocabulary on topics like: food, transportation, sports, animals, and more. 

6. Search Engines Colossus

Search Engine Colossus offers you links to search engines from 195 countries and 38 territories around the world! Conduct extensive web searches. Search the web using your choice of language. Locate your new favorite search engines. Make your own website submissions.


Internet-Based Lesson Plans Sites

1. Quia: Spanish

"I facilitate the use and integration of technology for teachers K-6 and I train teachers in Quia's use. It is so easy to create a review in any subject. Even students can create a challenge in any area. Quia is an excellent tool for teachers and students. Its user-friendly interface makes the creation of learning activities easy, quick, and quite painless!
-Technology facilitator, New Lenox, Illinois, U.S.A."

2. Parlo: Language, Culture, Life

"Parlo Inc. was founded to meet the immense but underserved global demand for language learning: over 1.2 billion people are studying foreign languages today. ... Using the interactivity of the Internet, Virtual Immersion TM surrounds learners with realistic, practical and fun information about the language and culture they're studying, replicating the study abroad experience online. Customers and media around the world agree that Parlo's online courses and e-mail lessons are uniquely effective and flexible. At Parlo, real-world learning means real-life success." 

3. Content-based Language Learning Through Technology

"The CoBaLTT website has both content-based lessons and content-based units. The lessons are typically from 1-5 days, where the units are made up of multiple lessons, cover a longer time period and have greater depth of content." There is a separate search for English, French, German, Norwegian, and Spanish.

4. The Recent Explosion of Latino Music in America

In this elementary level lesson plan, students will be able to identify singers when shown pictures, list instruments found in Latino songs, label instruments in Spanish, and name the country from which each singer comes. This forty-five minute lesson plan does list names of Latino singers but does not supply sources for their music. 

5. WebQuest Page: Matrix

Foreign language WebQuests for grades 3-12 provided at this site. 

Distance Learning Possibilities

1. Internet Email Connections:

"IECC is a free service to help teachers link with partners in other cultures and countries for email classroom pen-pal and other project exchanges. Since its creation in 1992, IECC has distributed over 28,000 requests for e-mail partnerships."

2. Kids' Space Connection

"Kids' Space Connection is an international meeting place for children and schoolteachers. Find penpals from around the world! Check out interesting projects you can contribute to, and cool clubs you can join.

Use KS Messaging Center as your safe tool for communication. It was designed so that both teachers and children under 13 years of age can benefit from the Internet, free from worry."

3. Desktop Videoconferencing: Novelty or Legitimate Teaching Tool

"Teacher Hazel Jobe offers Education World readers an introduction to videoconferencing technology. Where can you get the technology? How can you use it in the classroom? Enjoy how-tos and tips from a videoconferencing pro!"


Bilingual ED K- 4   |    Bilingual ED Middle   |   Bilingual ED HS   ESL K-4    |   ESL 5-8   |   ESL HS   |   Spanish K-4   |   Spanish Middle   |    Spanish HS   |    French HS   |    German HS   |   A

Created by Ruth D. Chang
World Language Teacher at East Brunswick Public Schools, New Jersey
Presenter at ETTC, Middlesex County, New Jersey
Last Updated:03/17/2003bout