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    Sat. June 27th
    Gm #1 St. Louis 99 at Chicago 106
    Gm #2 St. Louis 101 at Chicago 102
    Gm #3 Chicago 86 at St. Louis 90
    Gm #4 Chicago 105 at St. Louis 96
    United States Internet Basketball League Season 2! Join now!

  • Zack's Corner
    6-30-03 *USIBL SEASON 3 SITE* ITS FINALLY DONE! Sorry for the delay but I havent been home much lately I am going out tonight but I will be back tomorrow, keep up the great work league, heres the link.

    6-29-03 *SEASON AWARDS* Season awards are up and posted under weekly awards please go look at those and if you won anything hurry and send in your points, also I am planning on having the season 3 site up later tonight or tomorrow day.

    6/27/03: Info on USIBL Retire Player RULE: If you retire your player you have 2 choices.
    1. Make a new player, keep 80% of your retired players POINTS, and remain on the same team.
    2. Make a new player, start at 125 upgrade points, and go into the DRAFTEE POOL.

    Gm #1 St. Louis 99 at Chicago 106
    Gm #2 St. Louis 101 at Chicago 102
    Gm #3 Chicago 86 at St. Louis 90
    Gm #4 Chicago 105 at St. Louis 96

  • Doc's Corner
    PLAYERS & OWNERS. 6/27/03: NO PLAYER UPGRADES WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR NEXT WEEK, EXCEPT, the free 30 points that the league will award everyone, and the pickems and selections for the Final Round. No upgrading next week while we get the league set for the DRAFTS etc.

    The Expansion Draft will be coming up shortly. Zac will be getting with the 2 new expansion owners and work out the details. Afterwards, all the team owners will be notified as to when the regular draft will take place, the draft order, (with all the trades etc.) and the details in getting all 12 teams back to a 7 man roster.

    Season #3 ("Fall Season") will have 2 Expansion teams, (total of 12, 6 Eastern, 6 Western) with a 22 game schedule. (playing each team home and away)

    Season #3: Players will be starting at 50% upgrade points.

  • Final Regular Season Leaders
    .: PPG :.
    Magic Jordan 31.2
    Ja Harvey 31.1
    .: RPG :.
    Donyell Matrell 19.2
    Max Baez 18.8
    .: APG :.
    John Payton 13.9
    Greg Ferrino 13.6
    .: SPG :.
    John Payton 4.5
    Jake Martinez 4.2
    .: BPG :.
    Mick Domas 5.1
    Donyell Matrell 5.0
    Stat Leaders for Chi/Stl Series
    .: PPG :.
    Stee V. Franchize 30.5 (2)
    Fred Strong 30.0 (1)
    .: RPG :.
    Max Baez 20.5 (2)
    Donyell Matrell 19.8 (1)
    .: APG :.
    John Payton 13.8 (2)
    Pancho O’Reilly 12.8 (1)
    .: SPG :.
    Pancho O’Reilly 5.3 (2)
    John Payton 5.3 (2)
    .: BPG :.
    Mick Domas 5.3 (2)
    Donyell Matrell 4.5 (1)
    No Stat Leaders Available
    .: PPG :.
    .: RPG :.
    .: APG :.
    .: SPG :.
    .: BPG :.
  • ASFL
  • USIBL Season 1