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Cancun '04

  • Well, bribing a customs official was a great start to our vacation.
  • 3 hours of sun! YAY!
  • The Booze Cruise from hell
  • "A mexican midget just slapped my ass! "
  • "They probably thought we were nuns in training " -Corey
  • Its raining:(
  • Being called Britney Spearses
  • DaddyO's!!!
  • Meg, "Ho-la, Como Es-tas "
  • Its raining again :(
  • 15 minutes on the beach
  • Jen’s ceasar salad
  • Senor Frogs Bar Leaping Tour!!!
  • shots of tequilla-what the hell were we thinking
  • Meg, "No Coco Bongo, No Coco Bongo "
  • having to swim across the street
  • Oh look the sun comes out as we leave for the airport
  • "It never rains this much here " -21 inches of rain!!
  • Well the trip was wet, but still lots of fun!!!!

My favorite quotes