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    As a domain, we're up to several projects that promote both the Camarilla and ourselves.

1)    We are currently running a clothing drive, anyone who wishes to participate need only drop clothing off at the standard game site.

2)    Also, we are trying to get a new place for NJ-003 to play. The current place has become boring and it is felt that a new place would bring new life into the game.

3)     We need a new logo for the chapter. Important details are as follows:

bulletCan be in color, but it must transfer well into Grayscale.
bulletIf possible, make it rectangular with the long side going north and south.
bulletMake sure that “Souls of the Harvest Moon” is on the logo and visible, even in grayscale.
bulletFile types: *.jpeg or *.gif please. If it's not possible to do it electronically, a picture can be scanned in.

 It will be voted during the first ST meeting of May, all are invited. The current hopefuls can be found in the photos section.

If anyone would like to help with anything, please e-mail the webmaster at, he will forward any information to the proper people.

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Last updated: 05/08/03.