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Bubonic Skate Team
Defiance Guild

"©Dark Ages, Nexon Inc."
"Don't Show Off". Were better...

First Update:
Saturday, July 19, 2003

Site Realese
This is the offical webpage for the "Bubonic" Skate team of Byram, New Jersey. This skate team was made by a couple of people, and the project of it is skating it what it's all about.

Top Story

Defiance Guild - 3/22/03
Right now we are trying to get recgnized by a mundane by sending Dark Ages a sample of our stories and artstic and poetry work. We are working on a biography and some poems.
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Voting - 3-23-03
Hello fellow Aislings, We have decided to make a voting section on this webpage, we shall' decide who might get 10 votes first to become "Respected Citizen". We shall' starts votes now on the side of your web browser you shall' see a voting poll please place your votes there.^_^

Results of Voting - 3-24-03
We had over 100 votes from the Aisling world o_O thank you all who took time to vote and get results. Now look below of the votes from all that voted.

Vote Results
CowsJr:32 votes
MiMiChani:21 votes
Casualties:24 votes
demonrus:28 votes
PhycoKilr:50 votes

In Voting "PhycoKilr" wins but in the real "Temuair" world "demonrus" was the real winner! all the contestents are now "Respected Citizens" some guards.

Server II Shut Down - 3-25-03
Updated by: Defiance Creater To All visitor Aislings we are sorry to inform you that server two is being shut down we been having about 100 vistors going through server II and I guess a bug has been in my internet, we are right now getting it repaired and fixed. Thank you for all your time ^_^ Word from members of guild And Server One(1) will still be up so you could still vist this site, but they'll be no helpers yet not untill server two is up and going, Thank you!
[ Server II ]

Mundane Story Contest 3-26-03
Updated by: Defiance Creater Hello all fellow Aislings ^_^,
I have made a story of my felling about my life more about what happend to me yes, the past and future.
I have submitted this story to "Dark Ages" Mundane Contest, and hopefully we shall' win but we should also thank all of those who are submiting to this contest also.
If this dosen't pass then the defiance guild won't go on for a period of time but don't give up hope there's always a mudane contest after a while ^_^ We'll just try our best and all times!

[ Read About Mundane Contest ]

Sites Future References - 3-27-03
Updated by: Casualties
Hello, today at "DefianceGuild" offical webpage we are going to get new features included in this webpage including, movies, screenshots, polls, and updated features happening in the Aisling world (Dark Ages), and pretty much anything you can possibly think of to be put up! rigth now we are updating and making new information as quick as we can...Please be patient ^_^, Thank you fro all your time!
Informing Vistors - 3-28-03
Updated by: Casualties We wanted to inform all Aisling visitors that all updates wordings (like this) will be earesed and will never be found again in two days from now, we wanted to inform you that we shall' tell everyone what is going to happend to thi webapge ^_^, were gonna put up a music/midi section for those aout Anime and Techno. and if you would like to submitt a song that should be download able on this webpage just e-mail this webpage at "" Thank you ^_^
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No Title - 0-00-00
Updated by:None No Information Provided
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Updated by:None No Information Provided
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"Dark Ages."
Nexon inc.
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