What Will Happen To My Child When I Die?

Dear Friends:

It took three years of advocacy on the part of the JEWISH Association for Developmental Disabilities (J-ADD) staff and lay leadership to obtain permission to open our first kosher group home. Kosher group homes were unheard of and institutions were the norm when we made our first inquiries to the State. It was a very difficult time for both parents and caregivers.

The philosophy of J-ADD emphasizes that people with developmental disabilities have the right to live, work, learn and socialize in the mainstream of society. People with developmental disabilities have the right to live as happy, normal and productive lives as is possible.

A warm welcome has always been extended to our group home residents by the JCC on the Palisades and local synagogues.

J-ADD Group Homes provide a warm and nurturing home for the life of the individual with disabilities.This is the answer to the question posed in the title of this webpage.

Private fundraising has had to be a constant since the inception of J-ADD to provide the many extras needed in order to have the type of home we want our residents to live in….a top quality environment. Real estate prices have skyrocketed and created a need for additional funds for more group homes. Home number eight is on the drawing board and still there is a long waiting list. Respite and Outreach are two other services provided by J-ADD that also have to be subsidized.

There are many ways to become an involved partner in J-ADD. Naming a Group Home, dedicating a room or becoming a Guardian are some of the ways.

Any inquiries can be made by calling Inge Wettreich or Lynn Gelper, at J-ADD,201-457-0058.

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