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12/26/01 7:27 PM

- Well this is the last update for this site.  My new site is what you will need to go to if you want to see any new stuff like pictures and other updates.  The link is in the previous update.  Eventually it will be accessible by, but not yet.

  I hope everyone had a good Christmas.  I did...I guess.  I had to work at my family's restaurant all Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Yeah.  Oh well.
12/16/01 12:41 AM

- Stopped working on THIS site all together.  Working on my new site, and the website for my family's restaurant.  You can see my new site at:
  So far Angelfire's javascript insert piece of shit hasn't screwed up the tables on that site, like it has on this site.  Not much content in it yet.  I need to try and get a life so I can actually have something to put in the site.  For can go there and say "ooooh....ahhhhh" at the pretty table settings and graphics.
12/09/01 3:59 PM

- Well...I'm already bored of this format for my page.  I'm currently working on a totally new format.  Should be operational by the end of Christmas break.
    Went to the b-ball tourney last night @ LHS.  It was fun I guess.  I played for 3 different teams.  My shot isn't as off as I expected it to be...I was hitting a lot of shots.  No pictures taken though...I got lazy.  I didn't want to take pictures.  Too bad for you.
12/04/01 8:11 PM

-  December has begun...even though tomorrow is supposed to be around 70...I don't know what is up with this weird ass weather, but oh well.  
   I've gotten confirmation from Comcast that my internet connection will not be shutting down.  They've reached an agreement with Excite@Home to keep our service up until Comcast can get all their users onto their own network.  So I only expect around 1-2 days downtime maximum.  All depends on what happens during the switch to Comcast's own network.
    Chinese Culture Club is holding their annual B-Ball Tourney on Saturday, 6:30 to 10pm in the LHS main gym.  Should end up being a huge gathering of asian people, and maybe 3-5 white people.  Should be fun.  I'll bring my cam and take pictures of the teams in action, and of random people or things.  

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