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It really sucks when you have to add a "dishonest traders" page to your website, but I have had enough with these people who refuse to honor their trades.
From now on, I will list their name and e-mail plus a explanation of why they are here. If they make good on the trades, I will remove them from this list.
  • Jim Smith, - We agreed on a trade, I sent my patch to him and 3 weeks later I e-mailed him about not receiving his patch. He told me he had received mine and would send out his patch the next day. A week later, I mailed him again and he stated he forgot and would send it right out. The following week, he changed his e-mail address. I later found out that he did this to several people and I guess he got sick of all the e-mail he was getting. NOTE: In his requests, he states he collects MA PD patches and MA special unit patches.

  • Cory Hartman, - I sent him three real nice patches for three of his NY patches. Five weeks and three e-mails later, I still have not heard from him.
    Please note: This is CORY HARTMAN from NY. NOT COREY HARVEY from Australia. Australian Corey is a decent and honest trader very much unlike NY Cory.

  • Antonio Manata, - I sent him a K-9 patch in exchange for a Newark Mounted Unit patch. He stated that He did not have the Mounted Unit patch on hand but he could get them. I sent him my patch in good faith. Three months and four e-mails later, and I have still not heard from him. I understand that he has done this to several people.
    UPDATE: Manata advises thru Jim Hitt's page that the reason he has not held up his end of the trade deals is due to injuries he received in an accident in February. Unfortunately, the deals he made were in May and June. He stated that he would send out the patches he owes "when he gets around to it". Yeah, nice guy.

  • As stated above, if any of these people make good on the trades, I will remove their names from this list. In the meantime, traders beware. Hopefully I will not have to add to this list.
