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The Domicile's Own Blue Bomber


The plot:   Hmm.... lets see. Ok, Mega Man is about this little blue robot that goes around stopping the other bad little robots and a psyco scientist with bad hair from bitch slapping the world. Simple huh.....yep.

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The series:   Mega Man (Rockman in Japan) has been around for a long time, since the 80's in fact, and for the most part it hasnt changed format that much, not to mention the two spin-off series: Mega Man X and Legends (Amercian name)/ Dash (Japanese name). The hero (Mega Man) goes off to beat the hell out of eight bad robots (six in the first game) and the bad Dr. Wily thus saving the world from whatever he planned to with it.


Why I made the page: I made this page cause.....well I forgot why.......damn....I know there was a purpose for it.....shit.  Oh lets see.....oh yeah!  I remember! Ok this game series was my absolute favorite while I was a kid, back in the day with the old school NES. The first Mega Man game I played was Mega Man 2. In fact, I still think this one had the best robots of the series. So far ive played 1,2,3,5 (rented),7 (for 5 minutes in a funcoland...i wish i bought it) and 8. Overall i'd say that three was the best ive played, although i wish they scrapped the whole doc robot thing and just had the actuall robots from MM2 fight instead. Id also like to say that i beat one, which is close to fucking impossible without knowing the secret to beating the rock monster without the secret trick (I havent won without the trick yet). The whole Mega Man experience has been great,as many hours of my time have been spent playign the game, so i kinda felt that i should at least give it a page.

rockshoot.gif (10108 bytes)Ok now i wanna say that this page is a small tribute to the origional series and not the spin-offs. Not that they sucked or anything, but I just didn't like them as much. Yes the origional began to get boring after a while but I just dident like the direction in which they took the character in, making him this strong macho robot. What was wrong with small, quick, (and to some girls) cute blue robot? He was the origional, and they should have kept him that way. Thats just my personal opinion, and feel free to disagree with it, in fact I encourage you to share your opinions with the world, but thats another story. Mega Man Legends was good, in they way they took Mega Man's character as the "family robot", it was a neat twist, and kool. But i must say keep it the way it was,  I just hope that the remakes for playstation make it here soon.

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Why the series kicked ass:  What made the Mega Man series so great, well you cant really say it was due to one thing. Me personally, loved how in each game there were 8 new robots just waitin to be blown up! That what was so kool about the series, for me at least, each new release for the series was a surprise... who am i gonna go after now? What new kool weapon do I get? Yeah you all remember how you got to take the emenies weapons, dident you? That was the best feature of the game!!! Every time....eight new weapons to fuck up your enemies!!!!

Other things that kicked ass, were how the game played out. It wasnt too heard to learn, and easy to play, but still challenging in its own way. And most of all....the kool bad guys! They are definitly a highlight of the series. And hey remember the robot design contest? (no I dident enter) but hey i remember that issue of Nintendo Power when they showed all the kids designs, that was kool. (my mon just threw out all my NP issues last week so i cant scan the pictures, dammit). Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. Id have to say my favorite characters were Metal Man, Bubble Man (he had a kool stage), Magnet Man, Shadow Man, Snake Man, Wind Man, Gyro Man (I like the drawings of these two, even i fnever played the game), Crash Man (he had kool music on his stage) Ice Man (the most annoying/ fucking impossible stage in all of Mega Man history!) and a few others too. Ive always been a big fan of the artists of the games. Protoman/Breakman is mad kool too. I even bought a small action figure of him for fun. it's kinda kool. Hmm not much else to say, just if you havent played any of the games, go give it a try! see ya, peace!

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Places Within The Domicile