
"The Lord sent me down to my Parents"

" I am a Special Angel "

I am an Angel from above
God sent me here with love.
I am not the same as some of you,
but there are so many special things I can do.

I can love the same as you,
I see past what people do.

I believe there is love in every heart.
And the world will show it if we start,
to do our part everyday and love someone
in a special way.

I may have handicapes that you can see,
but I know that God loves me.
If you look at me as God sees me,
you will be as happy as you can be.

I could be your best friend
and we could have friendship and love
that never ends.

So if you look I am just like you,
I have a pure heart and there is love in all I do.

By: Dez

If I Were a Dream Where Would I Go

If I were a dream where would I go ?
To the top of a mountain to look at the snow
I could travel the world and see many sights
I could visit a scary halloween night
I could go as far as I could see
for only my dreams can be seen within me
If I were a dream...
and could fly above the clouds
I could look down
knowing tomorrow is now
If I were a dream...
and yesterday was today
What would I change...
would I take something away
A dream can take me where I want to be
I can see my dream ...
but can my dream see me
How far must I travel...
How far must I go...
to find a dream that I will know
And ...when its all over where will I be...
at the beginning... or...
at the end of my dream ?
If I get confused I know what to do
I'll take my dream above the clouds...
take another look down...
Knowing ...tomorrow is now.
A dream can be anything we want it to be
If we will look inside our mind ..and..think
What is important...
what is kind...
Throw the rest away
and start dreaming again .. today !


Patrick was born into a world that expected perfection.
He was not perfect.
He was not "normal" as people so
often like to categorize each other.
He was born under stress to a young mother of 18.
His soft blue eyes were almond-shaped, his cone-
shaped head was flat in the back and covered with
light brown, downy-soft hair.
He was beautiful. He was my nephew. I loved
Patrick from the first instant I laid eyes on him.

I was a teenager when Pat was born. My sister, his
mother, was only a few years older.
I loved to take Pat with me after school.
I would put him in his stroller and walk to the store
with him where all of my friends hung out.
Most of them were fine with him.
But then there were a few that were mean and hurtful.
They made fun of him because he looked different.
They said things about this beautiful baby that hurt.
There were times I would go home crying.
How could people, those I had considered friends,
be this way towards a helpless baby ?
I could never understand.
I still don't.

As the years passed, Patrick grew quickly.
It was evident from the start that he would not
be "normal".
Some of the doctors had even recommended
to my sister and brother-in-law that he be put into
an institution. Of course they would not
hear of it.
This was their child, they would not, could not
give him up.
Times were tough for them, but they never gave up.
Patrick was seen by the best doctors, he went to the
best teaching/training facilities and schools.
He was given so much love from the entire family and
he flourished. Pat didn't walk until he was nearly
6 years old. His speech was even slower in developing
and to this day it is difficult to understand him.

He "graduated" from high-school through the special
classes and teaching of some very wonderful, caring
teachers and aides.
He could not learn to read other than possibly at
best at a first grade level. He has gone for more
types of therapies than you can imagine:
physical, speech, occupational, etc.
He could never live by himself and he cannot do many
simple tasks that most people take for granted.
He cannot drive a car, though he so desperately
wanted to. He can't do a lot of things.
But he sure can share love.
His smiling face can brighten your darkest days.
Oh, Patrick does have one addition: video games.
He loves them. And he plays them over and over
until he masters them the best he can.
He's quite amazing.

Over the years, I saw many tears of emotional pain,
anger and frustration from my sister.
Not for herself, but for the cruelty of others
towards her son.
Wherever we went: the beach, the shopping mall, the
playground, people would stop and stare at Patrick.
People (adults and children) would laugh at
his awkward gait, his excited nearly unintelligible
speech, his arms waving in excitement.
Some adults would pull their children away.
Maybe they feared it was contagious.
Maybe it frightened them to seen an imperfect person.
They didn't know Patrick at all.
They only knew their own fears and ignorance, and
turned away.
Luckily, Patrick didn't comprehend the hurtfulness
directed his way.
But his mother, father, and siblings certainly did.
It wasn't easy for any of them.

Patrick is one of the most perfect human beings I
know. He may not be perfect in the physical sense
that most people judge others by, but his spirit is
his perfection. He is as close to what I believe
the Lord wanted for human beings as anyone can get.
He is so special.
How do I begin to tell of the joy he has brought to
our lives?
At nearly 35 years of age, he still sees the world
through a child's eyes.
Yet, still children are leery of him because they
don't understand him. Patrick loves everyone.
He is always smiling or laughing.
He is compassionate and peaceful.
He has never hurt anyone in his entire life,
by word or deed. He cannot. He can only show love.
When his grandfather died he was understandably
very upset.
However, when it was explained to him that Grandpop
was in Heaven with God and that he was no longer sick,
Patrick accepted that. He was told that he could
still talk to his grandfather as he could talk to
God. And he did so.
Many times I have heard him talking to my father.
Many times I have heard him talking to God.
He doesn't question, he just accepts.
He accepts everyone.
He doesn't see color, religion, nationality, gender.
He just sees people and he loves people.
It has always been my feeling that Patrick
is a prisoner in his own body and brain.
As a child he could not run with the other
children, those that would play with him.
He could not speak well enough for most people to
understand him. But yet, there has always been a
special light in his eyes, that makes me believe that
he understands all and accepts all.
He has not had an easy life by most standards.
But he has never once complained, never felt sorry
for himself, never gave up or gave in.

Patrick leads a normal life. He gets up every day and
goes to work at the Workshop for special people.
He has activities that he participates in with
his friends from work: bowling, dances, etc.
Once a year he gets dressed to the hilt and
goes to a formal dance. He has had a few girlfriends.
He has a niece and four nephews who absolutely
"Uncle Pat".
When he comes home from work the
little ones are at the door waiting for him.
At 32, Uncle Pat can play with them at their
level. It gives them all pleasure, but I think
mostly it gives Pat pleasure.
For his niece and nephews love him unconditionally,
and accept him completely as he is.
He has playmates now, something he didn't have as a
child when he was growing up.
He is not ostracized, but adored.
He loves them and they love him.
That's enough for Patrick.
And as they grow up, they will mature,
but they will understand their Uncle.
They won't be afraid when they see others like
him in the world. They will understand that God gave
us these special people for a reason.
Patrick, and other's like him, are truly God's gift
of love.

So the next time you're out and you see a special
person, I hope you will remember Patrick.
Don't turn away. Give that special person a chance.
You just might find some of the joy that Patrick
has given us and you too will have been blessed.


Aunt Peggy

Patrick is my nephew

by Kellie Martin Patrick's Aunt

Patrick is a very special person he has a heart of
gold. Some times I wish I could be like him and not
have to worry about what life has dealt me.
Patrick is only 2 years younger then me I don't
remember much as a little kid with Patrick and his
disabilities to me growing up he was Patrick I
always looked and treated him as a person. I over
look his slowness. I see other kids like him and
never laughed or stared at them I just always
thought to my self the parents are lucky they have
a very special and gifted child .
Just like Patrick is very gifted in his own way.
Just never play video games with him cause he will
beat you. Hes good.
My nickname from him is Monkey why I don't know but
when he sees me he says You Monkey and I say
it back to him. I feel its a way we tell each
other how we feel with out having to say I Love You.
Patrick you are always in my heart and my prayers.
If you see a child like Patrick give them a big
smile and say hello they love that they don't
understand how people can be cruel they just want
to be excepted in the world.
Don't you want to be excepted to.


your Aunt Kellie

Home Crack Cocaine Coming soon
Prayer A Childs Face Pray for the Children
Angels Cry The Golden Gift May You Always Feel Love
Heart of a Child My Love Special Child
Our Grandchildren Memorials Jesus Loves Me
Touch Me Kier Webrings I Belong To
Sisters of the Golden Moon Awards Apply for My Award
Sisters Of The Goldenmoon page2 Ladies of the Heart All about me and my Piece of the World
RAPE,THE VICTIM, AND GETTING HELP Elizabeth Blackwell Margaret Sanger
Mary Ann Shadd Cary In Loving Memory of Dale Earnhardt Random Acts of Kindness
Women of Strenght and Inner Beauty WELCOME AND GOD BLESS AMERICA Sisters of the Goldenmoon 3
My dedications page to Sisters Forever This is My Dedication page to Fablers O'Fortune