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"It is Elazul
"Me? Why do you think it is me?"
I'll tell you. First, when we found Mr. Moti in the bushes, you sounded disapointed and nervous. ,It is agreed on that Sandra was Pelican. When Bud and I met You you were walking from Pelican's house and I noticed a feather stuck to your shoe, but did not say anything. Then you asked me where Pearl was. Since you always leave her in the pub I thought that was odd but it never hit me that you might be Sandra. You have also been acting strange. Your attitude has changed from serious to sort of laid back. However the main reason why I think it was you is becuase your core never flashed like Pearl's when we found Mr. Moti. Everyone knows a Jumi's core flashes when another Jumi is near by.
"Elazul, is this true? Are you Sandra? I will believe you if you tell me you're not."
"I am not."Pearl runs into Elazul's arms and he wispers into her ear."Your core is mine.
"Oh no!!"All of a sudden smoke fills the rooms. "Help me!" But no one can help her. They can't see her. Then the smoke dies down and Sandra is in the door way with Pearl.
"Very good Rand, but far too late." She throws down another smoke bomb and disapears.
"Come on Bud Mr. Moti we have to save her and Elazul." They run out the door to the western end.
"ARGHHHHHH!!! Sandra strikes again."

At Sandra's Base