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The following people have contributed to the site directly, either through research, articles or illustrations. This is the “crew” working to make this site better. The list is small right now, I hope that it grows in the future.

A special thanks to Maximiliaan J.H. Cuypers, son of Waffen-SS Veteran Johannes (Joop) Cuypers, who kindly allowed me access to and wrote a summary of his fathers’ story for this site.

Also thanks to Martin Hammelmann and Jason Mark for their contributions.

Pictures Contributors - The following is a list of collectors and historians who have contributed pictures from their personal collection.

The main banner on the site was created by Martin Spirit. Please visit his Banner site by clicking on the link below.


I would like to acknowledge the following people who have allowed the use of pictures on their sites. You may link to their sites from the Links section.

The following are some of the books used to make this site;
Ailsby, Chistopher, World War II German Medals and Political Awards, Ian Publishing, Runnymede, England, (1994).
ISBN 0-7818-0225-3
Angolia, John, For Fuhrer and Fatherland, Military Awards of the Third Reich, Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA, (1987)
Dr Doehle, Heinrich, Medals & Decorations of the Third Reich, Reddick Enterprises, Denison, TX (1995).
ISBN 0-9624883-4-8. (*This book was originally published in Berlin, 1943*)
Forman, Adrian, Guide to Third Reich Awards and their Values, Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA, (1993)
ISBN 9121388-52-1
Hamelman, William, German Wound Badges 1914-1936-1939-1944-1957, Mathaeus Publishers, Dallas, TX, (1993)
ISBN 0-931065-07-0
Lumsbden, Robin, Third Reich Militaria, Hippocrene Books, NY, NY, USA (1994)
ISBN 0-7818-0323-8
Shneider, Josh W, Their Honor Was Loyalty! History of Waffen SS Knights Cross Holders, James Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA, (1993)
ISBN 0-912138-51-3
Siefried Knappe, Soldat, Reflections of a German Soldier 1936-1949, Dell Publishing, New York, NY, (1993)
ISBN 0-440-21526-9
Vernon, Sydney B., The Medal Collectors' Companion, Sydney B. Vernon, Temecula, CA, (1995)
ISBN 0-96235-75-2-9
Williamson, Gordor, The Iron Cross, a History 1813-1957, Reddick Enterprises, Denison, TX, (1994)
ISBN 0-962-24883-8-0
Williamson, Gordor, The Knights Cross of the Iron Cross, a History 1939-1945, Blandford Pree, London, UK (1987)
ISBN 0-07137-1820
Williamson, Gordor, Loyalty is my Honor, Motorbooks International, Osceola, WI, (1997)
ISBN 0-07603-0012-7

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