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"Pink Eyed" Jim Worldwide!!!

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Last Update: 3-15-2001

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Poem of the Day...

Under Construction! Pictures of my daily life!

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Hello, and welcome to my home on the net! If you don't like it, too bad, I'll be here for a while.....
On this page you will find various doodads: poems of mine, pics, links,etc.
Another is those for free speech online, when I get time, I'll publish my views on these subjects. For now, you will have to wait. Anyhoo thanks for your time...
Yours in cheese,
"Pink Eyed" Jim


Yes! You heard right folks! Free Kevin to a good home.
   My new apartment doesn't allow Kevins. If you are
   interested in my Kevin,click here. 

CyberLink 2000 - Banner Exchange
CyberLink 2000 - Banner Exchange

[Blue Ribbon Campaign icon]
Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

Pages On This Website

New! Pink Eyed Jim Email Accounts!

Alternate uses for Sporks and other Utensils

Pink Eyed Jim Chat!
Meet me every Sunday Night at 10:30 PM EST


Pink Eyed Jim Worldwide Web Design!

The Cheech Republic Online!

My Own Country!

Pink Eyed Jim's Mena Suvari Fan Page

Pink Eyed Jim's Links

My Darned Guestbook

You are Number

To be blessed with this page...
