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Someone Will Pass Through the Doorway Between Life and Death

Disclaimer is on the Introduction Page.

Italics denotes thoughts and dreams

Betty didn't know quite what to think anymore with the two men she ever truly loved gone. Scott was off fighting the war and Victor was most likely dead, but she had her doubts. She also had two wonderful babies whom she loved so much and only one to show her love to.

Betty's mom moved to Pittsburgh. She watched the kids during the day. Betty took one day off a week to spend with them.


Jeff and Hilary were sitting in the Green Room talking. Hilary got her divorce finalized and Jeff had his annulment.

"Hilary, I know I must have asked you this a million times, but will you marry me?" asked Jeff.

Instead of answering she leaned over and gave him the longest and most passionalte kiss she'd ever given him. "Does that answer your question?"

"So the answer is no," joked Jeff.

"Hmph, you asked and now you're stuck with me. How about getting married as soon as possible?"

"The sooner the better!"


Dear Scott,

I miss you so much! Anne and Andy are doing just fine. Tomorrow marks the second most exciting day ever at WENN. Hilary and Jeff are getting married! Of course, our wedding day was the most exciting. Please take care of yourself. I love you with all my heart!

Love always,

Scott read the letter for the second time. He was so happy for Jeff and Hilary. The lonely soldier suddenly felt a pang of homesickness. He looked at his watch and realized that it was almost time to get back on duty in the trenches of the battle.


It was the day of Jeff and Hilary's wedding. Betty was trying to calm Hilary. She was very nervous about the whole thing.

"You've been married before," Betty reminded her.

"It's not quite the same. Betty, I don't think I can do this," exclaimed Hilary.

"You'll hate yourself for the rest of your life if you don't."

"I can live with that."

"No, you couldn't. Come on, it's time to go."


At the same time, Jeff was being calmed by Mackie, Mr. Foley, and Mr. Eldridge.

"When is it going to start?" Jeff anxiously questioned.

"In five minutes. Now sit down and relax! Everything will be all right."

"I know, I know, but I can't."

"Yes, you can, so let's go."


The wedding ceremony began. Betty looked on with a dreamy expression on her face. Jeff and Hilary looked so happy and so very much in love. She remembered back to her and Scott's wedding day. It was almost a year later and he was off fighting the war.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride," said the priest.

Betty looked up into Scott's eyes. They were sparkling with a hint of tears. He wore the smile that could melt any heart. She felt his arms wrap around her. His lips came down meeting hers in a passionate kiss. They reluctantly broke apart.


Jeff was shaking Betty. "Are you all right?"

Betty looked up at him. "I'm sorry. My mind must have wondered off."

"Scott?" asked Jeff, and Betty nodded. She must really miss him.


Later that night everyone was celebrating at the wedding reception. Everyone, that is, except for Betty, who was not in the mood for a party. For some reason Hilary's words from last May, "Someone will pass through the doorway between life and death tonight," kept repeating in her head. The last time she heard that sentence was the night Victor came back to tell her that he was alive.

A messenger boy walked through the doors of Studio A. "Telegram for Mrs. Betty Sherwood."

Betty took the telegram. The envelope was marked with the address of the war department. She just stared at it for a while, not having the courage to open it. Finally, she slowly ripped it open and read it. She ran out of the green room with tears brimming in her eyes, dropping the telegram on her way.

Maple picked up the telegram. She didn't have to read it. She could guess what it said. She read it to herself, then read it out loud. "We're sorry to report that First Lieutenant Scott Sherwood has been reported missing in action and is presumed dead." Maple's eyes filled with tears. She felt like she lost something very special. She remembered her promise and ran out of the studio to look for Betty.

Maple found Betty in the office. Her head was down on the desk. She looked up at Maple when she entered. Betty's face was red from the tears that flowed freely down her cheeks. Maple went over to her and they just hugged each other for the man they both cared so much about.

"Maple, why did he have to die? They don't need him up in heaven as much as I need him down here," wailed Betty.

"There's only one person who can answer that. So many men and women are dying every day and Scott happened to be one of them. He wanted a safe world for us to live in. Every generation can look back and do everything to keep it from happening again."

"You're right, but...I'm going home."

"Would you like some company?"

"No thanks. I need to be alone for awhile."

"Are you going to be all right?"

"Don't worry, Maple. I won't do anything stupid." Betty walked out of the station.

"Why Scott? Why did he have to die?" Maple asked herself.


Betty entered WENN later that night. She walked into the office and headed to the desk. The strongbox was in the bottom right hand drawer.

She slowly unlocked it. On top was an envelope addressed to her. Inside the envelope was a short note.

Betty, my love,

When you read this, I'll be up in heaven looking down upon you. I have loved you since the first time I saw you. Even though we went through a lot to get this far, the obstacles have only made my love stronger. Everyday was worth living. Please go on with your life. Just because I'm not here doesn't mean you should change anything. For some reason the Lord wanted me up here, not down there with you and the children. Don't let Anne and Andy forget who I am. I also want say one last good - bye to everyone there, especially Maple. I'll love you always!!! Oh would you look at the time?

Your husband and Guardian Angel,

The letter brought tears to Betty's eyes. She sat in the office for the rest of the night. She knew that the stories were supposed to be funny, but she could only cry over them tonight.

Betty looked down at the desk. She noticed a telegram that she hadn't seen before. She opened it and read it. She couldn't believe what she read.

Love Story Series

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