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WEST NEW YORK_____ 8/07/98_____ 640-61st Street_____ 2 Alarms

With 2 lines stretched and the three story frame building evacuated the Town's FireFighter's went to work in this Early morning (5 AM)blaze. Calling 2nd Alarm within Eight minutes of arrival, it seemed like it may have gone to a 3rd, but with efficiency and spirit and a little Mutual Aid from North Bergen (E-661) and Weehawken (T-222) the fire was brought under control in under an hour and put out for good shortly after that.

Companies that responded to the scene:

WNY-Engines 303, 304, 305, 306 Truck 321

NB-Engine 661

WEE-Truck 222

WEST NEW YORK 7/26/98 6120 Monroe Place 3 Alarms

At 20:15 hours the Alarm rang into the board. Withing minutes a 3 and 1 response was rolling onto the scene. The B/C immediately special called the Town's last remaining Engine. Shortly thereafter a 2nd and finally a 3rd alarm was sounded. Hoboken Truck 122 and Jersey City Engines 5 & 17 relocated into West New York Headquarters, just four blocks away from the fire building. Three trucks and twelve engines battled a 4th floor blaze in a 5 room apartment. It was 90+ Degrees outside and temperatures reached 1400+ inside as the fire ran uncontrolled for 45 minutes. Equipment from North Bergen, Weehawken, Union City and Jersey City responded for Mutual Aid. Rotating Manpower and rehabbing outside with the assistance of Jersey City's Car 26 A.K.A. the "Gong Club" serving Gatorade and water, the struggle to overcome the fire ended around Eleven PM. There was NO Loss of Life or any major injuries to report.Simoultaeneously, Union City had a 1 Alarm fire in the middle of town on 22nd Street. There last 2 remaining companies, Engine 21 and Truck 11, along with Weehawken Engine 202, North Bergen Engine 662 and a relocated Jersey City company Engine 14 put that fire out in under an hour.
Companies that responded to the scene:

WNY-Engines 303, 304, 305, 306 Truck 321

NB-Engines 661, 664, 663 Truck 668

UC-Engines 26, 23, 25

Wee-Engines 203 Truck 222

JC-Engine 5 ___ and Car 26 the GONG CLUB

2 Pictures from WNY 3 Alarm @ 6120 Monroe Pl.

NORTH BERGEN_____ 8/09/98_____ 6115 Granton Ave_____ 5 Alarm

A Multi-story Hirise was the scene of this 5th Alarm. Though the cause is still under investigation, it is possible that Oxygen Tanks may have played a part in the blast. The first thing North Bergen E-661 saw as they approached the building, just 3 blocks away from their station house, was a thick, black column of smoke funneling out of an open balcony door. Soon, 2nd, 3rd and 4th alarms were sounded draining North Hudson of almost every available rig. Injuries began piling up fast as scores of tenants attempted to flee the blaze through a stairwell they had no idea was fully engulfed in flames. Sadly, Six tenants lost their lives in this fire. One of the deaths occurring when a woman reached for a 14 foot extension ladder before it was set. She fell 4 stories to her death on the grassy knoll below. Several Fire Fighters were injured due to the intense heat trapped in the fire resistive building. The mostly senior citizen filled building fire was put out in under 8 hours and the fire mostly contained to a single apartment. In recognition of Mutual Aid, thanks should be extended to the many out of town Fire And EMS units that responded from as far away as Leonia (about 12 miles). Without their help and the help of many civillians at the scene, it would've taken 2 days to get this fire under control and the Victims treated and transported.

Companies that responded to the scene:

_NB-Engines 661, 663, 664, 662 Truck 668

WNY-Engines 303, 305, 306, 308

WEE-Engine 203 Truck 222

_UC-Engines 26, 23 Truck 13

Jersey City-Engines 5, 17, 8, 10

___Secaucus-Engine 416

____Hoboken-Truck 121

3 Pictures from NB 5th Alarm @ 6115 Granton Ave.

pictures courtesy of Chris

Ambulances: West New York, North Bergen, Union City, Weehawken, Jersey City, Secaucus, Leonia, Bogota, Fort Lee, Fairview, Cliffside Pk. Probably others, but the info is unavailable so far and will be updated A.S.A.P.

As Always: If you have any pictures of this fire and want them posted, you can Email them to me using the Link below.

NORTH BERGEN_____ 8/07/98_____ 1407 43rd Street_____ 1 Alarm+

A small house caught on fire in the middle of the night in the Hilly region of Town, just down the block from North Bergen Townhall. The Towns Four engines (661, 662, 663, 664) and one Truck (668) managed to douse the blaze in an hour or so.

Companies that responded to the scene:

WNY-Engines 303, 304, 305, 306 Truck 321

WEE-Truck 222

UNION CITY_____ 8/09/98_____ 608-10th Street_____ 2 Alarm

Dispatchers on Duty:Primary: 945-Frank, 969-Laura Secondary: 963-Rob, 968-Kory, 961-Mike

At 0755 hrs., 5 Minutes prior to a Shiftchange here at Fire Control, and less than 8 hours after the completion of the North Bergen 5th Alarm, The 911 console rang in with a report of a Downtown fire. Union City Engines, 21, 23, 25, and Truck 11 responded to the scene. The Fire quickly raced thru the 2 story mixed commercial structure. Second alarm was called and Three additional Engines (UC-E-26, NB E-662, 663, Wee-Q-221) were dispatched to the scene. The fire was brought under control in about an hour and completely out in under two hours. There were no reports of injuries.

Companies that responded to the scene:

_UC-Engines 21, 23, 25, 26 Truck 11

_NB-Engines 662, 663


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